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Wanted to stick! Teacher wang, I owe you thanks


Teacher wang, I owe you thanks

Whether to send the "wanted to stick to the" for a long time, but to fight shoulder to shoulder the mentor teacher wang, still want to say thanks face to face "thank you for your support,"
Identity during the storage ring mixed up five or six years, also have a lot of friends, the teachers for help, but the most unforgettable teacher wang,
In 2014, I just graduated from school to company, teacher wang unit of live, is alone in the face of the first project, I was responsible for the storage of debugging and deployment, although the work for the master for a year, but because it is the first time alone with the customer, the in the mind is very uneasy, afraid to make mistakes,
But the king of the teacher is very nice, has been to help coordinate the time and other manufacturers to cooperate, remember, at that time, storage tests, naked bandwidth has been couldn't get on, I check several times configuration problem, suspected to be network switches, but don't dare to tell clients always responsible for the director of the,
Later told the king of the teacher, teacher wang is very fit to help coordinate the other manufacturers in the new network switches, the result is the switch problem, cause bandwidth is weak, on the other hand, for a temporary added demand expansion, night need to do the test, teacher wang is to cooperate, together with do how didn't go home at 2 am,
Although wang age ratio I big many (impression more than 30 years old, wearing glasses, is thinner), but for the technical details to ask very clear, very studious, learned a lot from teacher wang old man's care and attention IT,
Eleven, cleaning, back to the unit suddenly turn to the letter, the project thank-you notes, very regrets, over the years, while also met many good customer support work, but the support of the teacher wang is the most unforgettable,

PS: when the project done received a thank-you note, big project is not I a person, respect for colleagues, customers, personal information to the

But sadly, although the in the mind very grateful to the teacher wang, but then failed to say "thank you" to him face to face, also did not leave his contact, remember your name, too, only know that he is the second monitoring information center, China seismological bureau engineer, always follow the sales call teacher wang,
Ask colleagues, he later heard that transferred to other department also broken links, in the BBS hair stick, don't know Mr Wang can see, really want to say thanks to his face,
Circles, you know if there is a earthquake information center of teacher wang, you can add my QQ or leave a message, my QQ number and email address is: 2154872150 @qq.com,
If anyone can help me contact miss wang, thank you will,
Store old soy sauce

CodePudding user response:

Hope everybody a great god more than help, take a wishes of the younger generation,
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