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Angular / Ionic get changes done on ion-toggle on parent component


I have a toggle button on a child component of my Ionic/Angular project.

In the child component I have:

<ion-buttons slot="end">
    <ion-toggle [(ngModel)]="enabled" (ionChange)="toggleEnabled()"></ion-toggle>

In the parent component I have:


In the parent .ts:

enable: boolean = false;

toggleEnabled() {
    // code here executed when the child toggle button is changed.

How can I leave the ion-toggle button in the child component but get changes and execute toggleEnabled() which is on the parent component

CodePudding user response:

You need to setup the Output into your child class.

Documentation about this: https://angular.io/guide/inputs-outputs

In Angular


import { Output, EventEmitter } from '@angular/core';

class ChildComponent {
  @Output() outputName = new EventEmitter<any>();
public enabled: boolean; // I guess 'enabled' is a boolean into the child's .ts

enableButton(): void {
  this.outputName.emit(this.enabled); // here you put the output from child to parent 



<ion-buttons slot="end">
    <ion-toggle (click)="enableButton()" [(ngModel)]="enabled"></ion-toggle>

then you will include into parent's HTML file the child element like this:

<child-component (outputName)="toggleEnabled($event)"></child-component>

Parent's .ts

toggleEnabled(isEnabled: boolean): void {

// do something with 'enabled' data

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