I have this component called SpecialComp that is being passed as a prop to MyComp . My question is how to pass all of the props from SpecialComp (color, size, weight) to MyComp so then I can override the attributes set in MyComp? In other words how can I have access to SpecialComp’s props inside of MyComp?
<MyComp customcomp ={<SpecialComp color=‘green’ size=‘20’ weight=‘bold’/>} />
export const MyComp = ({customcomp}) => {
return (
{React.cloneElement(customcomp, {color: ‘red’})}
CodePudding user response:
You can simply access the props by calling customcomp.props
import React from "react";
const MyComp = ({ customcomp }) => {
//Prints: {color: "green", size: "20", weight: "bold"}
return <div>{React.cloneElement(customcomp, { color: "red" })}</div>;
export default MyComp;
codeSandbox for this here.
CodePudding user response:
If you don't want to make use of any state management solution. Then you can consider lifting the state (prop) up. See code examples below:
import React from "react";
export const App = () => {
const [specialProps, setSpecialProps] = useState({
color: "green",
size: "20",
weight: "bold",
}); // make the properties as state
return (
customComponentStyles={specialProps} // you can pass it here
color={specialProps.color} // you can pass it here too
export const MyComp = ({ customComponentStyles, customComponent }) => { // access the same prop here as well
return <div>{React.cloneElement(customcomp, { color: "red" })}</div>;
CodePudding user response:
<MyComp customcomp ={<SpecialComp color=‘green’ size=‘20’ weight=‘bold’/>} />
export const MyComp = ({customcomp}) => {
return (
{React.cloneElement(customcomp, {...customcomp.props,color: ‘red’})}