Home > Enterprise >  How to define multiple TypeScript Interfaces that return the same type structure?
How to define multiple TypeScript Interfaces that return the same type structure?


export interface UserFailureResponse {
    statusCode: number
    statusMessage: string

export interface UserCreateResponse {
    statusCode: number
    statusMessage: string

export interface AuthCheckResponse {
    statusCode: number
    statusMessage: string

Here I have created three different Response interfaces that are the same.

I am planning to create a generic interface like 'Response'. But is this the right convention with scalability and adaptability in mind? Would like to hear from the TS community as I am new to this

CodePudding user response:

use extends

export interface BaseResponse {
    statusCode: number
    statusMessage: string
export interface UserFailureResponse extends BaseResponse {    }

export interface UserCreateResponse  extends BaseResponse{     }

export interface AuthCheckResponse extends BaseResponse{  }
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