Home > Enterprise >  Cropping an image after Rotation, Scaling and Translation (with Python Transformation Matrix) such t
Cropping an image after Rotation, Scaling and Translation (with Python Transformation Matrix) such t


I have pairs of images of the same 2D object with very minor diferences. The two images of a pair have two reference points (a star [x_s,y_s] and an arrow-head [x_a,y_a]) as shown below:

The Image Pair

I have written a Python script to align one image with reference to the second image of the pair with the reference points/coordinates. Please go through the code below for a clear understanding:

import numpy as np
import cv2
import pandas as pd

# Function to align image2 with respect to image1:

def alignFromReferenceImage(image1, imgname1, image2, imgname2):
    # Using Panda dataframe to read the coordinate values ((x_s,y_s) and (x_a,y_a)) from a csv file
    # The .csv file looks like this:-
    #     id;x_s;y_s;x_a;y_a
    #     img11;113;433;45;56
    #     img12;54;245;55;77
    #     img21;33;76;16;88
    #     img22;62;88;111;312
    #     ...  ;..;..;...;  

    df = pd.read_csv("./image_metadata.csv",  delimiter= ';')

    # Eliminate .jpg from the image name and fetch the row


    rows,cols = image1.shape
    M = np.float32([[1,0,-tx],[0,1,-ty]])
    image_after_translation = cv2.warpAffine(image2,M,(cols,rows))
    d1 = math.sqrt((x1_a - x1_s)**2   (y1_a - y1_s)**2)
    d2 = math.sqrt((x2_a - x2_s)**2   (y2_a - y2_s)**2)
    dx1 = x1_a - x1_s
    dy1 = -(y1_a - y1_s)
    alpha1 = math.degrees(math.atan2(dy1, dx1))
    alpha1=(360 alpha1) if (alpha1<0) else alpha1
    dx2 = x2_a - x2_s
    dy2 = -(y2_a - y2_s)

    alpha2 = math.degrees(math.atan2(dy2, dx2))
    alpha2=(360 alpha2) if (alpha2<0) else alpha2
    scale = d1 / d2 
    centre = (filter_data['x_s'].values[0], filter_data['y_s'].values[0])
    M = cv2.getRotationMatrix2D((centre),ang,scale)
    aligned_image = cv2.warpAffine(image_after_translation, M, (cols,rows))

    return aligned_image 

After alignment, the image looks as shown below:

Image After Alignment

Important: Now, after aligning the first image with respect to the second image, I want to crop the aligned image in such a way that the image will no longer have the black background after cropping. The picture below will clearly explain what I want to do:

Image After Cropping

I have researched on it and found some useful links:

  1. enter image description here

    magick -fuzz 20% img.png  repage -bordercolor black -border 2 -background black -define trim:percent-background=0% -trim  repage img_trim.png

    enter image description here

    CodePudding user response:

    Here is a Python/OpenCV solution. It first thresholds the image so that the background is black and the rest is white. It tests each edge of the threshold image and computes the mean and looks for the edge with the lowest mean. It stops on that edge if the mean==255. If not, then it trims off that edge and repeats. Once all edges have a mean of 255, it stops completely and uses the increments on each side to compute the crop of the original input.


    enter image description here

    Note: I had to adjust the crop of your posted image to ensure the background on all sides was pure black. It would have helped if you have provided separate images. If the sides were still slightly gray, then I would have increased the upper threshold limit.

    import cv2
    import numpy as np
    # read image
    img = cv2.imread('star_arrow.png')
    h, w = img.shape[:2]
    # threshold so border is black and rest is white. Note this is has pure black for the background, so threshold at black and invert. Adjust lower and upper if the background is not pure black.
    lower = (0,0,0)
    upper = (0,0,0)
    mask = cv2.inRange(img, lower, upper)
    mask = 255 - mask
    # define top and left starting coordinates and starting width and height
    top = 0
    left = 0
    bottom = h
    right = w
    # compute the mean of each side of the image and its stop test
    mean_top = np.mean( mask[top:top 1, left:right] )
    mean_left = np.mean( mask[top:bottom, left:left 1] )
    mean_bottom = np.mean( mask[bottom-1:bottom, left:right] )
    mean_right = np.mean( mask[top:bottom, right-1:right] )
    mean_minimum = min(mean_top, mean_left, mean_bottom, mean_right)
    top_test = "stop" if (mean_top == 255) else "go"
    left_test = "stop" if (mean_left == 255) else "go"
    bottom_test = "stop" if (mean_bottom == 255) else "go"
    right_test = "stop" if (mean_right == 255) else "go"
    # iterate to compute new side coordinates if mean of given side is not 255 (all white) and it is the current darkest side
    while top_test == "go" or left_test == "go" or right_test == "go" or bottom_test == "go":
        # top processing
        if top_test == "go":
            if mean_top != 255:
                if mean_top == mean_minimum:
                    top  = 1
                    mean_top = np.mean( mask[top:top 1, left:right] )
                    mean_left = np.mean( mask[top:bottom, left:left 1] )
                    mean_bottom = np.mean( mask[bottom-1:bottom, left:right] )
                    mean_right = np.mean( mask[top:bottom, right-1:right] )
                    mean_minimum = min(mean_top, mean_left, mean_right, mean_bottom)
                top_test = "stop"   
        # left processing
        if left_test == "go":
            if mean_left != 255:
                if mean_left == mean_minimum:
                    left  = 1
                    mean_top = np.mean( mask[top:top 1, left:right] )
                    mean_left = np.mean( mask[top:bottom, left:left 1] )
                    mean_bottom = np.mean( mask[bottom-1:bottom, left:right] )
                    mean_right = np.mean( mask[top:bottom, right-1:right] )
                    mean_minimum = min(mean_top, mean_left, mean_right, mean_bottom)
                left_test = "stop"  
        # bottom processing
        if bottom_test == "go":
            if mean_bottom != 255:
                if mean_bottom == mean_minimum:
                    bottom -= 1
                    mean_top = np.mean( mask[top:top 1, left:right] )
                    mean_left = np.mean( mask[top:bottom, left:left 1] )
                    mean_bottom = np.mean( mask[bottom-1:bottom, left:right] )
                    mean_right = np.mean( mask[top:bottom, right-1:right] )
                    mean_minimum = min(mean_top, mean_left, mean_right, mean_bottom)
                bottom_test = "stop"    
        # right processing
        if right_test == "go":
            if mean_right != 255:
                if mean_right == mean_minimum:
                    right -= 1
                    mean_top = np.mean( mask[top:top 1, left:right] )
                    mean_left = np.mean( mask[top:bottom, left:left 1] )
                    mean_bottom = np.mean( mask[bottom-1:bottom, left:right] )
                    mean_right = np.mean( mask[top:bottom, right-1:right] )
                    mean_minimum = min(mean_top, mean_left, mean_right, mean_bottom)
                right_test = "stop" 
    # crop input
    result = img[top:bottom, left:right]
    # print crop values 
    print("top: ",top)
    print("bottom: ",bottom)
    print("left: ",left)
    print("right: ",right)
    # save cropped image
    # show the images
    cv2.imshow("mask", mask)
    cv2.imshow("cropped", result)

    Threshold Image:

    enter image description here

    Cropped Input:

    enter image description here

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