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Searching for exact phrase with synonyms


I am trying to build a query, where I am using exact phrase match and synonyms and I can't figure it out. Also, when using wildcard approach I don't know how to use fuzziness. Is it even possible with wildcards? It would be great to get same results for terms "call of duty", "cod" or "call of dutz".

I have created this index:

PUT exact_search
  "settings": {
    "index": {
      "number_of_shards": "1",
      "number_of_replicas": "0",
      "analysis": {
        "analyzer": {
          "analyzer_exact": {
            "type": "custom",
            "tokenizer": "keyword",
            "filter": [
        "filter": {
          "synonyms": {
            "type": "synonym",
            "synonyms_path": "synonyms.txt"
  "mappings": {
    "properties": {
      "name": {
        "type": "keyword",
        "fields": {
          "analyzer_exact": {
            "type": "text",
            "analyzer": "analyzer_exact"

And I fill it with these items:

POST exact_search/_doc/1
  "name": "Hoodie Call of Duty"
POST exact_search/_doc/2
  "name": "Call of Duty 2"
POST exact_search/_doc/3
  "name": "Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2"
POST exact_search/_doc/4
  "name": "COD: Modern Warfare 2"
POST exact_search/_doc/5
  "name": "Call of duty"
POST exact_search/_doc/6
  "name": "Call of the sea"
POST exact_search/_doc/7
  "name": "Heavy Duty"

synonyms.txt looks like this:

cod,call of duty

And what I am trying to achieve is, to get all the results (exept call of the sea and heavy duty) when I search "call of duty" or "cod".

So far, I constructed this query, but it does not work as expected when using "cod" search term (term "call of duty" works fine):

GET exact_search/_search
  "explain": false, 
           "wildcard": {
             "name.analyzer_exact": {
               "value": "*cod*"

But the result is only two items:

  "took" : 2,
  "timed_out" : false,
  "_shards" : {
    "total" : 1,
    "successful" : 1,
    "skipped" : 0,
    "failed" : 0
  "hits" : {
    "total" : {
      "value" : 2,
      "relation" : "eq"
    "max_score" : 1.0,
    "hits" : [
        "_index" : "exact_search",
        "_id" : "4",
        "_score" : 1.0,
        "_source" : {
          "name" : "COD: Modern Warfare 2"
        "_index" : "exact_search",
        "_id" : "5",
        "_score" : 1.0,
        "_source" : {
          "name" : "Call of duty"

It looks like that the synonyms are working, because it returns "call of duty" game, but it ignores the wildcards - it won't return Call of Duty 2 for example.

I need to look for the exact phrase match, because I dont't want to get results Heavy Duty or Call of the sea (when words "call" and "duty" match).

Thank you for pointing me in the right direction.

CodePudding user response:

I have my doubts if the analyzer would generate the tokens synonymous with the analyzer_exact "tokenizer": "keyword". I would change a few things to make it work.

  1. keyword -> standard

      "analyzer_exact": {
        "type": "custom",
        "tokenizer": "standard",
        "filter": [
  2. I would use match phrase to eliminate names other than call of duty and cod.

       "match_phrase": {
         "name.analyzer_exact": "cod"

Response after changes

  "hits": {
    "hits": [
        "_source": {
          "name": "Call of duty"
        "_source": {
          "name": "COD: Modern Warfare 2"
        "_source": {
          "name": "Call of Duty 2"
        "_source": {
          "name": "hoddies Call of Duty"
        "_source": {
          "name": "Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2"
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