I have a method in my Interface that retrieves all records from my Room Database as a LiveData List. My method is as follows:
@Query("SELECT *FROM task_table ORDER BY taskId DESC")
fun getAll():LiveData<List<Task>>
I have the following code in my ViewModel class:
val tasks:LiveData<List<Task>> = taskDao.getAll()
Also I've got an Observer setup in my Fragment as follows:
//After some other code and code to create an instance of the ViewModel
viewModel.tasks.observe(viewLifecycleOwner, Observer {
it?.let {
adapter.data = it
I'm a bit confused with LiveData. When I add a new record to my Room Database, my LiveData<List> updates on it's own without me having to call the
getAll() method. When you have LiveData, does the Android OS updates this List when you add/delete/update a record in the Database? Thanks.
CodePudding user response:
When you observe LiveData, you will get the new data as long as the viewLifeCycleOwner is in one of the following states: Lifecycle.State.STARTED
or Lifecycle.State.RESUMED
. So your assumption is correct.
Please read more about observing LiveData here.
CodePudding user response:
Yes Its obviously updating If you read the documentation then that the observer changes automatically. and update.
CodePudding user response:
STEP 1 @Query("SELECT * FROM Brands order by _id") fun getAll(): List
STEP 2 class BrandViewModel : ViewModel() {
private val _list = MutableLiveData<List<BrandEntity>>().apply {
value = AppDatabase.get().brandsDao().getAll()
val list: LiveData<List<BrandEntity>> = _list
STEP 3 val viewModel = ViewModelProvider(this)[ProductsViewModel::class.java] viewModel.list.observe(viewLifecycleOwner) {