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Ansible to add admin user to admin db in mongodb


I am am using ansible to add admin user in mongodb.. I used below playbook but i am getting error. Can someone suggest the solution.. i have also installed pymongo prior to adding user in order to use module. authentication is disabled in mongod.conf and bindIp is set to

   # create mongoadmin user
    - name: Create mongoadmin root user 
        login_port: 27017
        database: "admin"
        name: "mongoadmin"
        password: "mongoadmin"
        roles: "root"
      ignore_errors: yes
        - restart mongodb 

I am getting below error

fatal: [devqa_mongod_single]: FAILED! => {"changed": false, "msg": "Unable to connect to database: Unknown option directconnection"}

CodePudding user response:

I assume you have a wrong configuration setting on the host.

Unable to connect to database: Unknown option directconnection

This doesn't look like an Ansible error to me.

To help you further out, you should disable mongo authentication, and restart mongo. Then, create 3 users, admin, root and userAdminAnyDatabase. Then restart mongo. Here is an Ansible role I've written for MongoDB, so you can take a look there to see how it works.

CodePudding user response:

I create the users manually:

- hosts: all
    mongoAuth: "/usr/bin/mongosh 'mongodb://admin:{{ password | urlencode() }}@localhost:27017/admin?authSource=admin' --norc --quiet"
    mongoNoAuth: "/usr/bin/mongosh 'mongodb://localhost:27017/admin' --norc --quiet"

  - name: Check if authentication is enabled
      cmd: "{{ mongoAuth }} --eval 'db.getMongo()'"
      executable: /bin/bash
    register: authenticate 
    failed_when: false 
    changed_when: false
    check_mode: no 

  - name: Create users
      cmd: "{{ (authenticate.rc == 0) | ternary(mongoAuth, mongoNoAuth) }} --eval '{{ js }}'"
      executable: /bin/bash
      js: |
        admin = db.getSiblingDB("admin")
        {% if authenticate.rc != 0 %}
        admin.createUser({ user: "admin", pwd: "{{ password }}", roles: ["root"] })
        admin.auth("admin", "{{ password }}")
        {% endif %} 
        // create more users if needed
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