Home > Enterprise >  How do I write a code that takes user input to form an array, and from that array the user decides i
How do I write a code that takes user input to form an array, and from that array the user decides i


I need to create a code using loops to ask for user input on certain values. Of those values I need to ask the user if they want me to find the smallest or largest number or just end the program. If the number -1000 is entered in the program the program ends. Basically how do I link my menu of options to a the actual actions per option.Here's what I have so far.

numbersEntered = []
lengthNumbers = int(input("Please enter the length of your list/array:"))
print("Please enter your numbers individually:")

for x in range(lengthNumbers):

def menu():
  print("[A] Smallest")
  print("[B] Largest")
  print("[C] Quit")
Options=float(input(f"Please select either option A,B,or C:"))

optionA = min(numbersEntered)
optionB = max(numbersEntered)
optionC = quit

while numbersEntered != C:
  if numbersEntered == A:
    print("The smallest number is:", min(numbersEntered))
  elif numbersEntered == B:
    print("The largest number is:", max(numbersEntered) )
  elif numbersEntered ==-1000:

I tried a while loop to connect the menu to said action but that did not work and idk why. I am a beginner programer so I'm very new to this stuff.

CodePudding user response:

Your while loop is incorrect. The correct way is to receive user input as a string and take action accordingly. The following is a working sample:

numbersEntered = []
lengthNumbers = int(input("Please enter the length of your list/array: "))
print("Please enter your numbers individually: ")

for x in range(lengthNumbers):
    data = int(input())
    if data == -1000:
        print("-1000 received, exiting")

def menu():
    print("[A] Smallest")
    print("[B] Largest")
    print("[C] Quit")


while True:
    option = input("Please select either option A,B,or C: ")
    if option == "A":
        print("The smallest number is:", min(numbersEntered))
    elif option == "B":
        print("The largest number is:", max(numbersEntered))
    elif option == "C":

CodePudding user response:

You are close, but...

  • The program doesn't really exit and bypass the remainder of the program if -1000 is entered.

  • The input function is being converted to a float type instead of a string 'A', 'B', or 'C'.

  • The while loop and underlying if statements have issues with the type and value being compared as well as not exiting if 'C' was entered.

Here is a pass at the fixed code... There are a lot of ways to solve this. You were close so I added extra comments that I hope helps you with the flow and solving your next programming puzzle.

    numbersEntered = []

    # moved functions outside program flow
    def menu():
      print("[A] Smallest")
      print("[B] Largest")
      print("[C] Quit")

    # program logic starts here.  
    # You could put all this in a main() function
    lengthNumbers = int(input("Please enter the length of your list/array:"))
    print("Please enter your numbers individually:")

    for x in range(lengthNumbers):
      # added a check for -1000 to exit the input loop
      if (data == -1000):

    # removed the OptionA, B, C and values as they aren't necessary

    # changed the while condition to skip if the user chose to exit in the 
    #  input section
    while numbersEntered[-1] != -1000:
       # moved the menu and input inside the while loop to repeat the menu
       # changed input from float to str and convert to uppercase
       Options=str(input(f"Please select either option A,B,or C:")).upper()
       # compare to strings ('A', 'B', or 'C') vs value of A, B, or C
       if Options == 'A':
         print("The smallest number is:", min(numbersEntered))
       elif Options == 'B':
         print("The largest number is:", max(numbersEntered) )
         # check for 'C' input from user to break out of the while loop
       elif Options == 'C':

    # move the exit/quit message to the end of the program
    print('Exited Program')
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