Home > Enterprise >  .NET 7 Error CS0118 'UserService' is a namespace but is used like a type
.NET 7 Error CS0118 'UserService' is a namespace but is used like a type


I have my services under a folder called Services in the project and I have grouped the User related parts in a folder called UserService. And under that folder, I have an Interface called IUserService.cs and a class called UserService.cs which contain basic user authentication methods.

Here is a picture of the folder structure:

Here is a picture of the folder structure

To register this User service to dependency injection I have used an extension method class called RegisterServices.cs.

And this is the error I get when i try to register the user service using the below code: Severity Code Description Project File Line Suppression State Error CS0118 'UserService' is a namespace but is used like a type Infinium.API D:\Infinium Projects\Infinium\Infinium.API\Services\ServiceRegister.cs 16 Active

Below is the code of RegisterServices.cs

using Infinium.API.Authorization;
using Infinium.API.DataManager;
using Infinium.API.Services.UserService;

namespace Infinium.API.Services
    public static class ServiceRegister
        public static void RegisterServices(this IServiceCollection services)
            // vNext DB
            services.AddSingleton<IDataAccessor, DataAccessor>();

            services.AddScoped<IJwtUtils, JwtUtils>();
            services.AddScoped<IUserService, UserService>();


I have added the RegisterServices extension method class to Program.cs as follows;

using Infinium.API.Authorization;
using Infinium.API.Helpers;
using Infinium.API.Services;
using MaxRAV.API.Helpers;
using Serilog;

var builder = WebApplication.CreateBuilder(args);

// Add services to the container.

builder.Services.AddCors(options =>
    options.AddPolicy(name: "AllowedCorsOrigins",
builder =>
.SetIsOriginAllowed((_) => true)

// Learn more about configuring Swagger/OpenAPI at https://aka.ms/aspnetcore/swashbuckle

// configure strongly typed settings object


builder.Host.UseSerilog((ctx, lc) => lc
    .WriteTo.Seq("http://localhost:5341") // comment if not configired

var app = builder.Build();


// Configure the HTTP request pipeline.
if (app.Environment.IsDevelopment())


// global error handler

// custom jwt auth middleware




The same code used to work with .NET 5 and in .NET 6 sometimes this error was thrown. I assume that the folder name conflicts with the class name, but I am not sure why it doesn't happen all the time. Maybe the solution is to rename the folder?

CodePudding user response:

There are multiple ways to handle this, e.g. use fully qualified type names, like


Namespace names conflicting with class names sometimes can cause this kind of issues.

Another idea would be to maintain a separation between these, so that if your namespace ends with UserService, the class has a different name. An advice would be to have the namespace ending with a plural version of whatever you have, like


and the class name in the namespace is

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