I insert for example 12.45 gives me error here:
//Input string was not in a correct format
deposit = decimal.Parse(Console.ReadLine());
If I insert 12,45 gives me error here:
//Incorrect syntax near ','
var reader = cmd.ExecuteReader();
Here is already after the part where it gives error on top, and the value already works up there, but down here not
Here shows that up there works, but I insated with "," but appears with "."
CodePudding user response:
If you want to be able to correctly parse a number using a comma "12,45"
instead of a period "12.45"
there are a number of overloads that will allow you to specify the decimal separator in different ways:
For example, using German culture info (I don't know what culture you're using)
var deposit = decimal.Parse("12,45", new CultureInfo("de-DE"));