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Google Sheets Query function incorrectly sorts numerical values


Hello fellow Stack Overflowers! First of all - I cannot share the file I'm working on since it contains confidential company data. I'm building a raport/file that will assist my team in ordering spare parts. In order to do that, I've decided to create a query builder which will output what I want based on conditions that are inputted: enter image description here From top to bottom: Filtruj po dostawcy - Filter by supplier - Select which supplier You'd like to have outputted (or all of them), Sortowanie- Sorting column - Select a column by which the output will be sorted Opcje sortowania - Sorting options - context-sensitive, gives You more options to sort (e.g. sort by estimated stock based on 6 or 24 month history) Kierunek sortowania - Sorting type - ascending or descending Uwzględnij pola "b/d" z 24 mies - Include "N/A" results - select whether You'd like to see all parts, or only those for which we have data to calculate estimated stock

In order to do that, I'v created a query, with internal conditions, which construcs it based on the above conditions: query(Import!A2:N;"select A,F,G,I,J,K where A is not null "&JEŻELI(B1="WSZYSTKO";"";"and D matches '"&B1&"'") &JEŻELI(B5="NIE";" and not K matches 'b/d'";"") &ifs(B2="Alfabetycznie";" order by A";B3="Bez zamienników";" order by F";B3="Z zamiennikami";" order by G";B3="6 mscy";" order by I";B3="12 mscy";" order by J";B3="24 msce";" order by K") &JEŻELI(B4="Malejąco";" desc";" asc")) As You can see, it has a input range specified, output columns, prefilter to exclude null results, and then constructs the query. The problem is that sorting is all wrong. When I sort alphabetically by part number, all dandy, but when I try to sort by numerical values, it behaves like it would be sorting alphabatically by those values: enter image description here

I've tried to simply format them as numbers - no change. Forcing the input data to be numbers (by using TO_VALUE function) is no go. Maybe the problem is that some values are strings ("b/d" - which basically means that I have no data to show and this is a placeholder)?

My dream result is... the query outputting correctly sorted data.

CodePudding user response:

The behavior you describe tells that the values are not numbers but text strings that look like numbers. Try Insert > Sheet, name the new sheet Import2, and put this formula in cell A1 of the new sheet:

      value( 1 / Import!A2:N ^ -1 ), 

Then format the data in the new sheet the way you want, and replace Import!A2:N in your query() formula with Import2!A2:N.

CodePudding user response:

And if you leave the sorting part outside of the query? I think you'd be able to overcome the given limitations. Try implementing your conditionals about order but as column numbers of SORT and 1 or 0 for ascending or descending. Sorry I don't try to do it myself but I'm afraid of mixing up because of language limitations, if you give access to a spreadsheet I may be able to help more



SORT(put here your query, sort_column-numbers 1 to 6-, is_ascending-1 for asc and 0 for desc-, [sort_column2, is_ascending2, ...])

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