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How to remove or replace Alphabets from specific position in Regex


I want to remove the Alphabets "Country Names" and bracket "()" from my Country Code selection drop-down menu. but the problem is I can't find the perfect match REGEX for this.

<span ></span> Afganistan ( 93)
<span ></span> Bangladesh ( 880)
<span ></span> India ( 91)

replace(/[()A-Za-z]{45,100}/g, '');

This pattern is also removing the alphabets of my tag which creates problem for me because the span tag contain SVG country flag icons, for this I want to remove the alphabets from 45th position and remove only the country names and () after selecting a drop-down option.

Output I'm getting -

Flag-icon Country-Name 93 (It just removing the brackets not country name)

Output I want -

Flag-icon 93

DATA.replace(/[()A-Za-z]{45,100}/g, '');

CodePudding user response:

I think the problem you're facing is that you're trying to remove characters around a thing instead of just matching that thing, which would be an easier task where you could use regex capture groups. Not sure I fully understood the inputs and outputs but for each row you could do:

const formatRow = (input) => {
  const flagMatch = input.match(/flag-icon-\w /);
  const flag = flagMatch && flagMatch[0];

  const numberMatch = input.match(/\((.*)\)/);
  const number = numberMatch && numberMatch[1]; // 1 is index of capture group

  return `${flag} ${number}`

// e.g
formatRow('<span ></span> Afganistan ( 93)'); // output: 'flag-icon-afg  93'

CodePudding user response:

Assuming your dropdowns using always <span lang-js prettyprint-override">const input = `<span ></span> Afganistan ( 93) <span ></span> Bangladesh ( 880) <span ></span> India ( 91)`; console.log(input.replace(/(<[^>] >[^>] >)\s\w \s\((\ \d )\)/g, '$1$2'));


<span ></span> 93
<span ></span> 880
<span ></span> 91

Real live working:

const input = `<span ></span> Afganistan ( 93)
<span ></span> Bangladesh ( 880)
<span ></span> India ( 91)`;

console.log(input.replace(/<[^>] >[^>] >\s\w \s\((\ \d )\)/g, '$1'));

CodePudding user response:

Instead of using an exact offset to start the match, you could capture the ` tag in the current data in group 1, and capture the format of the number between parenthesis in group 2.

The use those 2 groups in the replacement.

(<span\b[^<>]*><\/span>\s*)\w (?:\s \w )*\s*\((\ \d )\)

The pattern matches:

  • (<span\b[^<>]*><\/span>\s*) Capture from <span>...</span> in group 1
  • \w (?:\s \w )*\s* Match word chars optionally repeated by spaces and word chars
  • \( Match (
    • (\ \d ) Capture and 1 digits in group 2
  • \) Match )

See a regex demo with the capture group data.

const regex = /(<span\b[^<>]*><\/span>\s*)\w (?:\s \w )*\s*\((\ \d )\)/g;
const str = `<span ></span> Afganistan ( 93)
<span ></span> Bangladesh ( 880)
<span ></span> India ( 91)`;

console.log(str.replace(regex, `$1$2`));

CodePudding user response:

You can use a global .replace() that looks for the end tag > symbol, and removes everything not needed:

let html = $('div').html();
html = html.replace(/>.*?\((.*?)\)/g, '> $1');
.flag-icon::before {
  content: "\A▚ ";
  white-space: pre-wrap;
<script src="https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/jquery/3.3.1/jquery.min.js"></script>
<span ></span> Afganistan ( 93)
<span ></span> Bangladesh ( 880)
<span ></span> India ( 91)


<span >  93
<span >  880
<span >  91
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