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Should UnitOfWork implement IDisposable in EF Core?


I have read a Q&A written 9 years ago, here is the link: entity framework - Unit of Work, Repositories and IDisposable - Stack Overflow

which showed it should implement IDisposable. But other videos posted on YouTube don't. Should it implement IDisposable interface now?

How can it roll back when there is no transaction that the entities have a foreign key association?

public class Employee
    public long Id { get; set; }
    public string Name { get; set; }
    public long DepartmentId { get; set; }

public class Department
    public long Id { get; set; }
    public string Name { get; set; }

public void AddDepartmentAndEmployees()
    var department = new Department { Name = "Dev" };

    var employees = new List<Employee> 
       new Employee { Name = "Jack" },
       new Employee { Name = "Tim" },


    employees.All(e => e.DepartmentId = department.Id );
    // if there throw a unknown exception
    // and how can i roll back?

Solve the above two problems.

Sorry about my poor English, but I have try my best.

CodePudding user response:

this may help you Transactions in unit of work design pattern

It's a best practice to have the UnitOfWork being disposable according to Microsoft article about UnitOfWork Design Pattern

you can use TransactionScope to create transactions and commit or roll it back if you have any problem

CodePudding user response:

you can use these ways to handle properly your CRUD in the database

Use a database transaction: When using a database as the repository, you can wrap the repository operations in a database transaction to ensure that they are all completed successfully, or that all changes are rolled back if any operation fails. This can help to guarantee the integrity of the data in the repository.

Implement isolation levels: When using a database as the repository, you can use isolation levels to control how transactions interact with each other and with other data in the repository. This can help to prevent issues such as dirty reads, non-repeatable reads, and phantom reads.

Use optimistic concurrency: Optimistic concurrency can be used to detect and resolve conflicts when multiple transactions attempt to modify the same data in the repository. This can help to prevent lost updates and ensure the integrity of the data in the repository.

Use locks: Locks can be used to prevent multiple transactions from modifying the same data in the repository simultaneously. This can help to prevent conflicts and ensure the integrity of the data.

Implement error handling: Proper error handling can help to ensure that transactions are able to gracefully recover from errors and continue processing, rather than failing completely. This can help to improve the reliability and robustness of the repository and the transactions that use it.

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