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Min/Max Aggregate over Window based on Conditional Row Values in SQL Server


I have sample data in SQL Server below:

drop table if exists #test;
create table #test (id char(4), product char(1), inception date, salary int, grp_start bit, grp_end bit);
insert into #test (id, product,  inception, salary, grp_start, grp_end) values('0001', 'T', '2003-03-01', 125000,1,0);
insert into #test (id, product,  inception, salary, grp_start, grp_end) values('0001', 'T', '2004-03-01', 150000,0,0);
insert into #test (id, product,  inception, salary, grp_start, grp_end) values('0001', 'T', '2005-03-01', 300000,0,0);
insert into #test (id, product,  inception, salary, grp_start, grp_end) values('0001', 'T', '2006-03-01', 400000,0,1);
insert into #test (id, product,  inception, salary, grp_start, grp_end) values('0001', 'L', '2016-03-01', 500000,1,0);
insert into #test (id, product,  inception, salary, grp_start, grp_end) values('0001', 'L', '2016-10-01', 450000,0,1);
insert into #test (id, product,  inception, salary, grp_start, grp_end) values('0001', 'T', '2018-10-01', 130000,1,0);
insert into #test (id, product,  inception, salary, grp_start, grp_end) values('0001', 'T', '2020-03-01', 150000,0,1);

enter image description here

I'd like to group this data based on grp_start and grp_end and run an aggregate function over it like min()

I'm probably overcomplicating this, but I'd like to find a way to create a dynamic window that would encapsulate rows 1-4, rows 5-6 and rows 7-8 and take the minimum salary in the group. The window groups are marked appropriately.

My intuition wanted to try a min(salary) over (partition by product, id order by inception) or a rolling sum total that essentially aggregates these "groups" up until the value in each group is = 2. grp_start grp_end = 2 for each group (1 for the grp_start and 1 for the grp_end). I'm just not sure how to go about doing it.

Desired result: enter image description here

CodePudding user response:

You're on the right track with adding group start and end, but I think ranking the salaries within the group and selecting the row with the lowest rank is the best way to implement it.

create table #test (id char(4), product char(1), inception date, salary int, grp_start bit, grp_end bit);
insert into #test (id, product,  inception, salary, grp_start, grp_end) values('0001', 'T', '2003-03-01', 125000,1,0);
insert into #test (id, product,  inception, salary, grp_start, grp_end) values('0001', 'T', '2004-03-01', 150000,0,0);
insert into #test (id, product,  inception, salary, grp_start, grp_end) values('0001', 'T', '2005-03-01', 300000,0,0);
insert into #test (id, product,  inception, salary, grp_start, grp_end) values('0001', 'T', '2006-03-01', 400000,0,1);
insert into #test (id, product,  inception, salary, grp_start, grp_end) values('0001', 'L', '2016-03-01', 500000,1,0);
insert into #test (id, product,  inception, salary, grp_start, grp_end) values('0001', 'L', '2016-10-01', 450000,0,1);
insert into #test (id, product,  inception, salary, grp_start, grp_end) values('0001', 'T', '2018-10-01', 130000,1,0);
insert into #test (id, product,  inception, salary, grp_start, grp_end) values('0001', 'T', '2020-03-01', 150000,0,1);

    with ctePre as (
        SELECT *
            , SUM(CONVERT(INT, grp_start)   CONVERT(INT,grp_end)) 
                OVER (PARTITION BY id ORDER BY inception 
        FROM #test 
    ), cteGrouped as (
        SELECT id, product, inception, salary, grp_start, grp_end
            , grp, floor((Grp   1) /2) as grpFinal
        FROM ctePre as  P
    ), cteSorted as (
        SELECT *, ROW_NUMBER() OVER (PARTITION BY id, grpFinal ORDER BY Salary) as SalRank
        FROM cteGrouped as G
    SELECT id, product, inception, salary
    FROM cteSorted as S
    WHERE SalRank = 1
    drop table #test;

gives results

id product inception salary
0001 T 2003-03-01 125000
0001 L 2016-10-01 450000
0001 T 2018-10-01 130000
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