I want to calculate the average from a key contained in the array.
[123456] => Array
[Log] => 2793
[Approve] => 1724
[Accept] => 13863
[123457] => Array
[Log] => 2606
[Classify] => 730
[FirstLineSupport] => 83339
[Escalate] => 14689501
[Fulfill] => 14772840
[123458] => Array
[Log] => 2700
[Approve] => 16152972
[Fulfill] => 73006092
[Accept] => 729914
[Review] => 27033
In this case I need to calculate the average of key "Fulfill". So I need to calculate:
(14772840 73006092) / 2 = 43889466
I know I can sum the values using:
$sum = array_sum(array_column($arr, 'Fulfill'));
But how can I divide by the number of occurrences of the key?
PHP online: https://onlinephp.io/c/35153
CodePudding user response:
Just one line more:
$args = array_column($arr, 'Fulfill');
$sum = array_sum($args)/count($args);
CodePudding user response:
Put the result of array_column()
in a variable. Then you can get the length of that array.
$fulfills = array_column($arr, 'Fulfill');
$avg = array_sum($fulfills) / count($fulfills);
CodePudding user response:
You can then divide that sum by the number of occurrences of the key to get the average.
Here's an example of how you can do this:
function calculateAverage(array $arr, string $key): int|float {
$values = array_column($arr, $key);
return array_sum($values) / count($values);
echo calculateAverage([], 'Fulfill');