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Python: AttributeError: module 'core' has no attribute 'children'


Hello I'm working on mobile application with kivy and python. Everything was fine until I wanted to use sqlite3. Here is my directory structure:

│   └───__pycache__
|   ├───calendar_screen.py
|   ├───children.py
|   ├───menu.py
|   ├───screen_manager.py
|   ├───settings.py
|   └───vaccination.py
|   ├───vaccination_calendar.db
|   ├───vaccination_calendar.py
│   └───__pycache__
│   └───static
│       ├───OpenSans
│       ├───OpenSans_Condensed
│       └───OpenSans_SemiCondensed
│   └───icons
|   ├───calendar.kv
|   ├───children.kv
|   ├───menu.kv
|   ├───screen_manager.kv
|   ├───settings.kv
|   └───vaccination.kv

Relevent code main.py

from kivymd.app import MDApp

from core.screen_manager import WindowManager

class VaccinationCalendarApp(MDApp):
    def build(self):
        self.theme_cls.primary_palette = "Green"
        return WindowManager()

if __name__ == "__main__":


from kivy.lang import Builder
from kivy.uix.screenmanager import ScreenManager


class WindowManager(ScreenManager):


#: import Menu core.menu
#: import Calendar core.calendar_screen
#: import Children core.children
#: import Vaccination core.vaccination
#: import Settings core.settings



from kivy.lang import Builder
from kivy.uix.screenmanager import Screen
from kivymd.uix.list import OneLineAvatarIconListItem, IconLeftWidget
from application.database.vaccination_calendar import get_children


class Children(Screen):


import sqlite3

def get_children():
    statement = "select * from children"

    with sqlite3.connect("vaccination_calendar.db") as conn:
        cursor = conn.cursor()
        children_list = [{"id": child[0], "name": child[1], "birth_date": child[2], "days_age": child[3]}
                         for child in cursor.fetchall()]

    return children_list

Everything was fine until this line in children.py: from application.database.vaccination_calendar import get_children. After adding this line I get AttributeError with traceback:

Traceback (most recent call last):
   File "C:\Users\przem\PycharmProjects\vaccination_calendar\application\main.py", line 3, in <module>
   File "C:\Users\przem\PycharmProjects\vaccination_calendar\env\lib\site-packages\kivy\lang\builder.py", line 305, in load_file
     return self.load_string(data, **kwargs)
   File "C:\Users\przem\PycharmProjects\vaccination_calendar\env\lib\site-packages\kivy\lang\builder.py", line 372, in load_string
     parser = Parser(content=string, filename=fn)
   File "C:\Users\przem\PycharmProjects\vaccination_calendar\env\lib\site-packages\kivy\lang\parser.py", line 483, in __init__
   File "C:\Users\przem\PycharmProjects\vaccination_calendar\env\lib\site-packages\kivy\lang\parser.py", line 590, in parse
   File "C:\Users\przem\PycharmProjects\vaccination_calendar\env\lib\site-packages\kivy\lang\parser.py", line 559, in execute_directives
     mod = getattr(mod, part)
 AttributeError: module 'core' has no attribute 'children'

I suspect that it is something wrong with circular dependency but tbh i can't see anything wrong with this. File i past here are in imported order starting from main.py Any idea what is wrong?

I tried to import vaccination_calendar.py by method in children.py but after that i get ModuleNotFoundError I also tried to import in to main.py and there it works but then i don't see any idea to use vaccination_calendar.py in children screen.

CodePudding user response:

The error can be found in the following line:

from application.database.vaccination_calendar import get_children

I assume you run main.py. When you do so ./application gets added to sys.path. That is why Python will never be able to resolve a module path like application.some.module_path, instead it should only be the some.module_path part.

The error message is pretty cryptic, but that is the result of Kivy trying to parse the screen_manager.kv file. In the process of doing so it finds this wrong import and raises an error deep inside the Kivy library (cause it tries to parse a .kv file) instead of directly telling you what exactly is wrong.

CodePudding user response:

I find a solution to this problem. I don't know where exactly was the problem but I change the way I import vaccination_calendar. I change this:

from application.database.vaccination_calendar import get_children

To this:


import vaccination_calendar

Pycharm still see a problem but it works for me. Maybe someone can use it.

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