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Can I make a compiler warn me if I leave optional argument as default value?


I made an own class in C . I want that the class constructor can work with default value of optional argument, but the compiler warns me that I didn't specify the optional argument. Is there a way? I'm using g so it's okay if the solution only works in gcc.

I think __attribute__ can do what I want, but I couldn't find how.

I want to do this:

class somestringclass{
       /* ... */

    somestringclass(char *x, int length = -1) {
        if (length==-1)

//calculate length by finding '\0' in x,
//but I want to be warned to avoid potential memory issue by getting char array without '\0'.


    /* some constructing here.. */


    /* some other features here.. */


CodePudding user response:

Based on the current class definition and your expectations for the constructor I suggest that you split it into two different constructors - one for each use-case. The first constructor takes only a const char* as the argument and the length of the string is determined by searching for a null terminator. The second constructor is similar to the one you have now except the length parameter is not defaulted (i.e. optional). When doing so I also suggest making the length parameter an unsigned type (i.e. size_t) since there can never be a string with a negative length (this applies to anything with a length or taking an index value). This way you can optionally check for a length of 0 and either throw an exception or assume that it is an empty string.

class somestringclass
    /* ... */

    somestringclass(const char *x)
        // Calculate length of string by searching for null terminator

    somestringclass(const char *x, size_t length)
        // Check length for 0 if that is not supported or assume empty

A good use case for having the second constructor that takes a length is the ability to create a string from either a character buffer that may not be null terminated or from only a portion of another string (a substring). This provides a greater amount of usability in your string class. For reference I suggest you look at the constructors of std::string and think about the different ways you might use them to create a string.

This should give you a greater sense of reliability and clarity in the usage of your string type.

Note that I've changed the char* pointer argument to const to allow passing string literals to the constructor.

CodePudding user response:

In C , you can use the [[deprecated]] attribute to mark a function as deprecated and generate a warning whenever it is used. This attribute can be applied to a function or function overload, and can be used to indicate that the function should no longer be used.

For example, suppose you have a class MyClass with a constructor that takes an optional argument arg. You can mark the constructor as deprecated and generate a warning when it is called with the default value for arg like this:

class MyClass {
  [[deprecated("Please specify a non-default value for 'arg'")]]
  MyClass(int arg = 0) {
    // ...

Now, if someone calls the constructor with the default value for arg, they will receive a warning similar to this:

warning: 'MyClass::MyClass(int)' is deprecated: Please specify a non-default value for 'arg' [-Wdeprecated-declarations]
  MyClass obj;

Note that this attribute is only supported in C 11 and later. If you are using an older version of C , you may need to use a different approach.

Alternatively, you can define a separate overload of the constructor that takes no arguments, and mark that overload as deprecated. This will generate a warning whenever the no-argument constructor is called, while still allowing the optional argument constructor to be used without generating a warning.

class MyClass {
  MyClass(int arg) {
    // ...

  [[deprecated("Please specify a non-default value for 'arg'")]]
  MyClass() {
    // ...
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