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convert a 3D JSON object into a "fake" 3D associative array in Bash


I have object in JSON that has the structure as shown below and I want to convert it into a "fake 3D" associative BASH array with the following structure:


In other words, I want the mmsi value combined with the key from each object to become the index to the associative array.

Right now, I am doing the following. The drawback is that it relies on the mmsi field to be the first field of each JSON object -- which is probably true but also not very reliable. This provides 3 objects: VESSEL_INDEX with all mmsis, KEY_INDEX with all existing keys, and VESSELS that can be accessed as VESSEL[$mmsi:$key]

    declare -A VESSELS
    declare -a VESSEL_INDEX
    declare -a KEY_INDEX

    while read -r keyvalue
        if [[ "$key" == "mmsi" ]]
            [[ -n "$mmsi" ]] && VESSEL_INDEX =("$mmsi")
        [[ ! " ${KEY_INDEX[*]} " =~ " ${key} " ]] && KEY_INDEX =("${key}")
        [[ -n "$mmsi" ]] && VESSELS["$mmsi:$key"]="$value"

    done <<< "$(curl -sL "$AIS_URL/ships_full.json" | jq -r ".ships[]|to_entries|map(\"\(.key)=\(.value|tostring)\")|.[]")"

with this input curled in:

  "count": 2
  "ships": [
      "mmsi": 367513050,
      "lat": 42.380329,
      "lon": -71.042946,
      "distance": 0.317654,
      "mmsi_type": 1,
      "level": -28.161266,
      "count": 6895,
      "ppm": 4.918982,
      "heading": null,
      "cog": null,
      "speed": 0,
      "to_bow": 10,
      "to_stern": 17,
      "to_starboard": 3,
      "to_port": 5,
      "shiptype": 52,
      "msg_type": 0,
      "country": "US",
      "status": 0,
      "callsign": "WDG2188",
      "shipname": "VINCENT D. TIBBETTS",
      "destination": "BOSTON",
      "last_signal": 0
      "mmsi": 367447520,
      "lat": 42.324032,
      "lon": -70.994347,
      "distance": 3.777312,
      "mmsi_type": 1,
      "level": -37.657475,
      "count": 1103,
      "ppm": -1.157407,
      "heading": 156,
      "cog": 155.5,
      "speed": 28.4,
      "to_bow": 24,
      "to_stern": 20,
      "to_starboard": 9,
      "to_port": 4,
      "shiptype": 40,
      "msg_type": 0,
      "country": "US",
      "status": 0,
      "callsign": "WDF4062",
      "shipname": "SALACIA",
      "destination": "XX XXX>?? ???",
      "last_signal": 0
  "error": false

CodePudding user response:

Make jq construct a declare statement using brackets around the key and escaping with @sh:

unset SHIPS
declare -A SHIPS="($(jq -r '
  .ships[] | .mmsi as $mmsi
  | to_entries[] | @sh "[\("\($mmsi):\(.key)")]=\(.value)"
' ships_full.json ))"

Now you should be able to use the associative array $SHIPS in Bash:

echo "${SHIPS["367513050:lat"]}"
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