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findOne() in TypeORM not working properly and giving error


I want to get the prospectousId from Dto, but I am getting the below error:,



  @ApiOperation({ summary: 'Promoting a prospectus to a tenant.' })
  @ApiResponse({ status: HttpStatus.OK, description: 'successful operation', })
  async promoteAProspectus(@Res() response: Response, @Body() Dto: promoteProspectousDto) {
    let result = await this.tenantsService.promoteAProspectus(Dto);
    return response.status(HttpStatus.CREATED).json({ message: 'Prospectous promoted as a tenant by the system.', data: result });


 public async promoteAProspectus(Dto: promoteProspectousDto): Promise<Tenants> {
     * Scopes to be implement while promoting a prospectous to a tenant.
     * @scope 1 promote the prospectous to a tenant and construct DB.
     * @scope 2 Configure all default roles for the newly created tenant.
     * @scope 3 Configure administrator user. & assign the administrator role.

    let prospectus = await this.tenantsRepository.findOne({ Dto.prospectousId });
    console.log('hyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy', prospectus);
    if (prospectus) {
      const { id } = prospectus;
      // let tenant: Tenants = await this.promoteAsTenant(prospectus);
      // await this.rolesService.onBoardTenantDefaultRoles(tenant.tenantDb);
      // let administrator: Users = await this.onBoardAdministratorUser(RequestedBy);
      // await this.allocateAdministratorRole(administrator, tenant);
      return tenant;

    throw new ConflictException(`Unable to promote.`);


import { Column, CreateDateColumn, Entity, PrimaryGeneratedColumn, UpdateDateColumn } from 'typeorm';

export enum ETenantStatus {
    TRIAL = 'TRIAL',

@Entity({ name: `${Tenants.name}` })
export class Tenants {

    id: string;

    @Column({ nullable: false })
    organization: string;

    @Column({ unique: false })
    db: string;

    @Column({ unique: true })
    key: string;

    @Column({ unique: true })
    domain: string;

    @Column({ nullable: false })
    location: string;

    @Column({ nullable: false })
    referedBy: string;

    @CreateDateColumn({ type: 'timestamp without time zone' })
    public createdAt: Date;

    @UpdateDateColumn({ type: 'timestamp without time zone' })
    public updatedAt: Date;


   import { ApiProperty, ApiPropertyOptional } from "@nestjs/swagger";
import { IsBoolean, IsNotEmpty } from "class-validator";

export class tenantsDto {
    @ApiProperty({ required: true, default: '' })
    organization: string;

    @ApiProperty({ required: true, default: '' })
    domain: string;

    @ApiPropertyOptional({ default: '' })
    notes: string;

    @ApiPropertyOptional({ default: '' })
    db: string;

    @ApiPropertyOptional({ default: '' })
    key: string;

    @ApiPropertyOptional({ default: '' })
    location: string;

    @ApiPropertyOptional({ default: '' })
    referedBy: string;

    @ApiPropertyOptional({ default: false })
    skipDbMigration: boolean;

    @ApiProperty({ default: true })
    acceptedTermsAndConditions: boolean;

export class promoteProspectousDto {
    @ApiProperty({ required: true, default: '' })
    prospectousId: string;

    @ApiProperty({ required: true, default: '' })
    key: string;

What to do to achieve this? Thanks in advance!

CodePudding user response:

Try using the below code. findOne() is to be replaced by findOneBy() as they say in their changelog.

let prospectus = await this.tenantsRepository.findOneBy({ id: Dto.prospectousId });

See the Changelog of TypeORM for more:

findOne() signature without parameters was dropped. If you need a single row from the db you can use a following syntax:

const [user] = await userRepository.find()

findOne(id) signature was dropped. Use following syntax instead:

const user = await userRepository.findOneBy({
   id: id // where id is your column name
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