Home > Enterprise >  How to remove spaces in the File name of the text file?
How to remove spaces in the File name of the text file?


The file is not added in the destination path if it has spaces in the file name.

For example, if the filename is textfile1.txt -> it will be added in the destination path. However, if the directory filename has space like this text file4.txt it will not be added.

Is there a way to remove the spaces of the filename? Here is the image:

Kindly check the image here

Here is my main concern:

Check this

Here is my script:

@ECHO off
SETLOCAL EnableDelayedExpansion

SET locationPath=C:\Textfiles\
SET destinationPath=E:\Textfiles\
SET status=success
SET countMetadata=0
SET countPDF=0
SET countJPEG=0

ECHO Executing the program...
FOR /R %locationPath% %%g IN (*.txt) DO (
    CD %%~dpg
    IF EXIST *.txt* (
        FOR /F "skip=1 tokens=1* delims=|" %%a IN (%%~nxg) DO (
            SET /a countMetadata =1
            ECHO %%~dpa%%a^| %%b >>            
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