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Sparkline formula parse error (not locale)


I'm getting "formula parse error" for the following formula in Google Sheets:


I'm in the US, so this fits the US syntax. To no avail, I tried the EU syntax \ and ; described in other answers to this topic, like:

Sparkline in Google Sheets shows errors with options

I'm following the Google documentation as well as a couple of tutorials I read on this formula, so I'm not sure why it's not working. The data I'm pulling from are static values, but I also tried using it with a SORT formula pulling data from another sheet (which is ultimately what I want). For that I did try pulling the data directly from the original sheet instead of the sorted sheet:

=SPARKLINE(vlookup(A3,'Chicken Coops'!A3:D69,4),{“charttype”,“bar”;“max”,MAX('Chicken Coops'!A3:D69)})

Any help is appreciated.

CodePudding user response:

issue most likely with the incompatible double quotes used within. try:

=SPARKLINE(vlookup(A3,'Chicken Coops'!A3:D69,4),{"charttype","bar";"max",MAX('Chicken Coops'!A3:D69)})

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