I want to pass a list as parameter so that I can loop through that list and print something. Here is a simple example:
title: "`r params$report_title`"
author: "`r params$name`"
format: html
report_title: "main title"
name: "author name"
p_list: list("A", "B")
Printing each element of the list...
#| echo: true
for(p in params$p_list){
Printing the list...
#| echo: true
Output for first chunk
[1] "list(\"A\", \"B\")"
for second chunk
[1] "list(\"A\", \"B\")"
How to untangle this list so that I can print A and B separately? thanks in advance.
CodePudding user response:
Here params$p_list
is a string and we turn this into an R list using eval(parse(text = params$p_list))
title: "`r params$report_title`"
author: "`r params$name`"
format: html
report_title: "main title"
name: "author name"
p_list: list("A", "B")
Printing each element of the list...
#| echo: true
for(p in eval(parse(text = params$p_list))){
Printing the list...
#| echo: true
print(eval(parse(text = params$p_list)))
See the Q/A Evaluate expression given as a string for more potential options to solve your case.