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Laravel validating that key in array is in an array of given strings


I'm building an API that takes in an array of 'additional_data' but I want some control over the fields that can be passed in.

Take the following JSON:

    "name": "Joe Bloggs",
    "additional_data": {
        "type": "example",
        "other_type": "example"

My current validation attempt:

return [
    'name' => ['required'],
    'additional_data.*' => ['sometimes', Rule::in(['type'])]

This always fails validation, what I'm looking for is to validate the key of the array so I can make sure the keys passed in are part of a 'whitelist'.

CodePudding user response:

To validate the keys of the additional_data array, you can use the exists rule and pass it a closure that checks if the key is in the whitelist. Here is an example:

return [
    'name' => ['required'],
    'additional_data.*' => ['sometimes', function ($attribute, $value, $fail) {
        $whitelist = ['type'];
        if (!in_array($attribute, $whitelist)) {
            $fail("The $attribute is not allowed.");

Alternatively, you can use the Rule::in rule with the array_keys function to get the keys of the additional_data array and check if they are in the whitelist. Here is an example:

return [
    'name' => ['required'],
    'additional_data' => ['sometimes', Rule::in(array_keys($whitelist))]

CodePudding user response:

What you do now is you try to validate content of additional_data.type and additional_data.other_type.

You can do this by adding a custom validator. For example

Validator::extend('check_additional_data_keys', function($attribute, $value, $parameters, $validator) {
    return is_array($value) && array_diff(array_keys($value), ['type', 'other_type']) === 0);

and use it inside your current rules

return [
    'name' => ['required'],
    'additional_data' => ['check_additional_data_keys'],
    'additional_data.*' => ['required', 'string'],

CodePudding user response:

Just specify your whitelist keys using the array validation rule:

return [
    'name' => 'required',
    'additional_data' => [
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