I have been created a library with jsPDF and JS autotable plugin on an Angular 13 app. It works very well inside the example project that comes with the library.
import jsPDF from 'jspdf';
import autoTable from 'jspdf-autotable';
exportPdf() {
const doc = new jsPDF(this.pageOrientation, 'pt');
autoTable(doc, {
columns: this.exportableColumns,
body: this.options.data
<p-button type="button" label="Export" (click)="exportPdf()"></p-button>
Now, I'm trying to use the library as a dependency inside another project, but the following message error appear clicking the dependency button pdf generate.
Inside both projects
@angular/core: "~13.2.0",
jspdf: "^2.5.1",
jspdf-autotable: "^3.5.28"
Could someone tell me what's going on? And if possible try to help me? Thanks in advance!
CodePudding user response:
@vladimir-banderov gave the perfect solution which is here!