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Perform search with facets unknown upfront Atlas MongoDB


I have the following document structure in MongoDB:

  // other keys,
  tags: [
    tagA: "red",
    tagB: "green"
  // other keys,
  tags: [
    tagA: "orange",
    tagB: "green",
    tagC: "car"

I want to perform a $facets search that gives me the following output (name of each tag values that occur on that tag count of these value):

    tagA: {
      red: 1,
      orange: 1
    tagB: {
      green: 2
    tagC: {
      car: 1

The tricky part is that the facets are unknown upfront (they can vary), and every tutorial I found only works for a predefined set of facets.

Is it possible?

P.S.: how to get the output of this to come alongside with a given query? So that the return is something like:

  queryResults: [all the results, as in a normal query],
  facets: [result showed in accepted answer]

CodePudding user response:

If you consider having this as input (i've added bracket around object in your array) :

    tags: [
        tagA: "red"
        tagB: "green"
    tags: [
        tagA: "orange"
        tagB: "green"
        tagC: "car"

You could then do an aggregation pipeline as follow :

    "$unwind": "$tags"
    "$addFields": {
      "kv": {
        "$objectToArray": "$tags"
    "$unwind": "$kv"
    "$group": {
      "_id": {
        key: "$kv.k",
        value: "$kv.v"
      "count": {
        "$sum": 1
    "$group": {
      "_id": "$_id.key",
      "value": {
        "$push": {
          "k": "$_id.value",
          "v": "$count"
    $project: {
      val: [
          k: "$_id",
          v: {
            "$arrayToObject": "$value"
    $project: {
      res: {
        "$arrayToObject": "$val"
    $replaceRoot: {
      newRoot: "$res"

It would give you this result :

    "tagA": {
      "orange": 1,
      "red": 1
    "tagB": {
      "green": 2
    "tagC": {
      "car": 1

You can see this on mongoplayground : https://mongoplayground.net/p/FZbM-BGJRBm Hope this answer your question.

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