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Transpose a table with keeping an ID


I have this long table:

col1 col2 col3
Personne1 nom Aurélie
Personne1 prenom Dupont
Personne1 age 25
Personne2 nom Stéphane
Personne2 prenom Blanc
Personne2 age 45

I want to transpose it to this shape:

col nom prenom age
Personne1 Aurélie Dupont 25
Personne2 Stéphane Blanc 45

I tried this code in Oracle SQL developer, but it doesn't work:

select * 
from table as SourceTable 
pivot (max(col3) for col2 in ('nom', 'prenom', 'age'));

PS: the "age" column is string

Could you help please?

Thank you!

CodePudding user response:

(Code you posted, as well as tags suggest that you use Oracle database. Code that follows uses Oracle.)

One option is to use conditional aggregation.

Sample data:

SQL> with test (col1, col2, col3) as
  2    (select 'pers1', 'nom'   , 'Aurelie'  from dual union all
  3     select 'pers1', 'prenom', 'Dupont'   from dual union all
  4     select 'pers1', 'age'   , '25'       from dual union all
  5     --
  6     select 'pers2', 'nom'   , 'Stephane' from dual union all
  7     select 'pers2', 'prenom', 'Blanc'    from dual union all
  8     select 'pers2', 'age'   , '45'       from dual
  9    )


 10  select col1,
 11    max(case when col2 = 'nom'    then col3 end) nom,
 12    max(case when col2 = 'prenom' then col3 end) prenom,
 13    max(case when col2 = 'age'    then col3 end) age
 14  from test
 15  group by col1;

----- -------- -------- --------
pers1 Aurelie  Dupont   25
pers2 Stephane Blanc    45


Or, pivot - as you tried:

 10  select *
 11  from test
 12  pivot (max(col3) for col2 in ('nom', 'prenom', 'age'));

COL1  'nom'    'prenom' 'age'
----- -------- -------- --------
pers1 Aurelie  Dupont   25
pers2 Stephane Blanc    45


You commented that you have problems with age being a string; it certainly is a string as COL3 contains names so it can't be a NUMBER datatype column. Though, it doesn't make any problems.

SQL> desc test
 Name                                      Null?    Type
 ----------------------------------------- -------- ----------------------------
 COL1                                               CHAR(5)
 COL2                                               VARCHAR2(6)
 COL3                                               VARCHAR2(8)

SQL> select * from test;

----- ------ --------
pers1 nom    Aurelie
pers1 prenom Dupont
pers1 age    25
pers2 nom    Stephane
pers2 prenom Blanc
pers2 age    45

6 rows selected.

SQL> select *
  2  from test
  3  pivot (max(col3) for col2 in ('nom', 'prenom', 'age'));

COL1  'nom'    'prenom' 'age'
----- -------- -------- --------
pers1 Aurelie  Dupont   25
pers2 Stephane Blanc    45

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