Home > Enterprise >  MVC Error - The model item passed into the dictionary is of type
MVC Error - The model item passed into the dictionary is of type


I'm getting this error in _GalleryImages.cshtml, and I'm passing the right Model.

The model item passed into the dictionary is of type 'PageContent.Models.Gallery', but this dictionary requires a model item of type 'Base.Models.Pagination'.


@using PageContent.Models
@model Gallery

 @Html.Partial("~/Views/_GalleryImages.cshtml", Model)


@using PageContent.Models
@using Base.Models
@model Gallery
  Pagination pagination = Model != null ? Model.Pagination : null;
 @Html.Partial("~/Views/_Pagination.cshtml", pagination)


@using Base.Models
@model Pagination



namespace PageContent.Models
    using Base.Models;
    public class Gallery
        public Pagination Pagination {get; set;}


namespace Base.Models
    public class Pagination

I tried passing Model.Pagination like this

@Html.Partial("~/Views/_Pagination.cshtml", Model.Pagination)

But it did not work. So, assigned this to a variable inside the view and no luck with that too.

CodePudding user response:

EDIT: For clarification, that error just means that your view is expecting a ModelX but you are trying to instantiate it with a ModelY instead. So basically you just have to ensure that you are passing the correct Model to the correct View.

Modify your _GalleryImages.html as followed

@using PageContent.Models
@using Base.Models
@model Gallery

  Pagination pagination = Model != null ? Model.Pagination : null;

 @Html.Partial("~/Views/_Pagination.cshtml", pagination)

You can use @{ ... } to define your variables. If you want to use a model value you will have to write Model.Value instead of just passing the parameter; you will be obtaining the value from inside your Model.

On a side note, you should populate your model from your controller instead of assigning values inside the view. Then as mentioned before just pass the values using the Model. prefix. ie; @Html.Partial("~/Views/_Pagination.cshtml", Model.Pagination).

CodePudding user response:

The issue was with the Model.Pagination. It was being passed as null. The MVC error was misleading.

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