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Case and Join statement giving duplicate rows, how to fix it



select * from product;

----------- --------------------
          1 AAA
          2 BBB
          3 CCC

  3 record(s) selected.


select * from productcost;

IDPK (FK)   QUANTITY                   PRICE
----------- -------------------- -----------
          1 100                          100
          1 250                          250
          1 500                          500
          2 100                          100
          2 250                          250
          2 500                          500
          3 100                          100
          3 250                          250
          3 500                          500

  9 record(s) selected.

Quantity in Grams… IDPK FK references IDPK of Product table


select * from cart;

----------- -------------------- -----------
          1 100                            5
          1 250                            5

  2 record(s) selected.

Quantity in Grams… IDPK FK references IDPK of Product table

At first, joining first 2 tables, I can get below result – easy one.

select a.idpk, a.pname, b.quantity, b.price from product a inner join productcost b on a.idpk = b.idpk;

IDPK        PNAME                QUANTITY                   PRICE           
----------- -------------------- -------------------- -----------
          1 AAA                  100                          100
          1 AAA                  250                          250
          1 AAA                  500                          500
          2 BBB                  100                          100
          2 BBB                  250                          250
          2 BBB                  500                          500
          3 CCC                  100                          100
          3 CCC                  250                          250
          3 CCC                  500                          500

  9 record(s) selected.

Now desired output is:

IDPK        PNAME                QUANTITY             PRICE             ITEMCOUNT
----------- -------------------- -------------------- -----------       -----------
          1 AAA                  100                          100       5
          1 AAA                  250                          250       5
          1 AAA                  500                          500       0
          2 BBB                  100                          100       0
          2 BBB                  250                          250       0
          2 BBB                  500                          500       0
          3 CCC                  100                          100       0
          3 CCC                  250                          250       0
          3 CCC                  500                          500       0

  9 record(s) selected.

But my below query giving wrong results, 12 records coming instead of 9. How to fix my query.

select X.idpk, X.pname, X.quantity, X.price, case when X.quantity = Y.quantity then Y.itemcount else 0 end as itemcount from (select a.idpk, a.pname, b.quantity, b.price from product a inner join productcost b on a.idpk = b.idpk) X left outer join (select * from cart) Y on X.idpk = Y.idpk;

IDPK        PNAME                QUANTITY             PRICE       ITEMCOUNT
----------- -------------------- -------------------- ----------- -----------
          1 AAA                  100                          100           5 -- first time
          1 AAA                  500                          500           0
          1 AAA                  250                          250           0
          1 AAA                  100                          100           0 -- second time row is coming, one with correct itemcount 5, and one for 0 also which shouldn’t
          1 AAA                  500                          500           0
          1 AAA                  250                          250           5
          3 CCC                  100                          100           0
          3 CCC                  250                          250           0
          3 CCC                  500                          500           0
          2 BBB                  100                          100           0
          2 BBB                  250                          250           0
          2 BBB                  500                          500           0

  12 record(s) selected.

CodePudding user response:

I guess, you need to look for cart records only when quantity matches the productcost quantity. Also, you do not need sub-queries. It's simple:

Select a.idpk
      ,case when b.quantity = Y.quantity then Y.itemcount else 0 end as itemcount 
from product a 
inner join productcost b 
    on a.idpk = b.idpk
left outer join cart Y 
    on a.idpk = Y.idpk
    AND b.quantity = Y.quantity

enter image description here

Also, this line:

case when b.quantity = Y.quantity then Y.itemcount else 0 end as itemcount 

can be further simplified using ISNULL or COALESCE (depending on your RDMS) like:

ISNULL(Y.itemcount, 0) AS itemcount 
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