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Count preceding and following rows >=10


I have a spectrum and would like to identify the different channels. The channels can be distinguished from the edges between the channels by the level (val).

I have created a simplified table that contains the column val. Now I want to calculate how many rows before and after contain values greater or equal 10.



    1. row: val = 10 , followed by 11, 10, 2, 3 -> next = 2 and prev = 0
    1. row: val = 11, followed by 10, 2, 3, before was 10 -> next = 1, prev = 1
    1. row: val = 10, followed by 2, 3, before was 11, 10 -> next = 0, prev = 2
    1. row: val = 2, followed by 3, before was 10, 11, 10 -> next = 0, prev = 3
    1. row: val = 2, before was 2, 10, 11, 10 -> prev = 0

In real-world data a channel contains about 20-30 measurement points, so I hope that there is a solution to solve this without creating 30 shifts in both directions. And also not all channels have the same width, so it should be dynamic.

Happy for any help or hint, thank you very much.


import pandas as pd

df_test = pd.DataFrame({"val":[10,11,10,2,3,10,10,10,4,6,11,7,10,10,11,10,11,10]})

df_test["prev"] = [0,1,2,3,0,0,1,2,3,0,0,1,0,1,2,3,4,5]
df_test["next"] = [2,1,0,0,3,2,1,0,0,1,0,6,5,4,3,2,1,0]

 ---- ------- -------- -------- 
|    |   val |   prev |   next |
|---- ------- -------- --------|
|  0 |    10 |      0 |      2 |
|  1 |    11 |      1 |      1 |
|  2 |    10 |      2 |      0 |
|  3 |     2 |      3 |      0 |
|  4 |     3 |      0 |      3 |
|  5 |    10 |      0 |      2 |
|  6 |    10 |      1 |      1 |
|  7 |    10 |      2 |      0 |
|  8 |     4 |      3 |      0 |
|  9 |     6 |      0 |      1 |
| 10 |    11 |      0 |      0 |
| 11 |     7 |      1 |      6 |
| 12 |    10 |      0 |      5 |
| 13 |    10 |      1 |      4 |
| 14 |    11 |      2 |      3 |
| 15 |    10 |      3 |      2 |
| 16 |    11 |      4 |      1 |
| 17 |    10 |      5 |      0 |
 ---- ------- -------- -------- 

CodePudding user response:

Vectorized Solution

def count(vals, direction):
    if direction == 'prev':
        vals = vals[::-1]

    arr = np.tile(vals, (len(vals), 1))

    mask = arr >= 10
    mask[np.tril_indices_from(mask)] = True

    ix = mask.argmin(axis=1) 
    ix[ix == 0] = len(ix)

    result = ix - np.arange(len(ix)) - 1
    return result[::-1] if direction == 'prev' else result


count(df.val, 'prev')
# array([0, 1, 2, 3, 0, 0, 1, 2, 3, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5])

count(df.val, 'next')
# array([2, 1, 0, 0, 3, 2, 1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, 0])

Working of function explained

For simplicity let's consider a sample dataframe with 5 rows and direction set to next, now I'll walk through steps defined in the function:

#     val
# 0   10
# 1   11
# 2   10
# 3    2
# 4    3

Tile the values into 2D matrix. Notice that the main diagonal represent the actual values from the original column

arr = np.tile(vals, (len(vals), 1))
# array([[10, 11, 10,  2,  3],
#        [10, 11, 10,  2,  3],
#        [10, 11, 10,  2,  3],
#        [10, 11, 10,  2,  3],
#        [10, 11, 10,  2,  3]])

Create a boolean mask to identify the values >= 10 then mask the values in lower triangle with True because we are only interested in values to the right of main diagonal

# array([[ True,  True,  True, False, False],
#        [ True,  True,  True, False, False],
#        [ True,  True,  True, False, False],
#        [ True,  True,  True, False, False],
#        [ True,  True,  True, False, False]])

mask[np.tril_indices_from(s)] = True
# array([[ True,  True,  True, False, False],
#        [ True,  True,  True, False, False],
#        [ True,  True,  True, False, False],
#        [ True,  True,  True,  True, False],
#        [ True,  True,  True,  True,  True]])

Find the index of first false value along each row using argmin and if there's no false value (e.g. row 5) in this case set the index to the length of array

ix = mask.argmin(axis=1) 
ix[ix == 0] = len(ix)
# array([3, 3, 3, 4, 5])

Subtract the index (ix) from the index of diagonal value to calculate the distance which which actually represents the number of True values satifying the condition

result = ix - np.arange(len(ix)) - 1
# array([2, 1, 0, 0, 0])

CodePudding user response:

I found a solution that works:

def count_prev_next(row, df):
    current_index = row.name
    if current_index == 0:
        prev_count = 0
            prev_count = (
                pd.DataFrame(df.loc[:current_index-1, "val"] >= 10)[::-1] 
                .query("val == False")
            prev_count = current_index
    if current_index == df.shape[0]:
        next_count = 0
            next_count = (
                pd.DataFrame(df.loc[current_index 1:, "val"] >= 10) 
                .query("val == False")
            next_count = df.shape[0] - current_index - 1
    return pd.Series({"prev": prev_count, "next": next_count})

df_test[["prev", "next"]] = df_test.apply(count_prev_next, axis=1, args=(df_test,))

Let it open for a while to see if somebody has a better idea.

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