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Conditional matching complex regex in capturing group


I am writing a regex for my git commit-msg hook and can't deal with the last part.

This is my regex


My commit messages can have 2 variations.

  1. GRP-0888 FIX OTHER - (jest.config.js) : Fix testMatch option issue
  2. GRP-0888 FIX OTHER - Fix testMatch option issue

My current regex works well with both as it completes the check after -. So basically after the dash, it doesn't take care of checking the format.

I want it to check these 2 conditions and match them respectively.

  • If after the dash it meets ( then continue with that pattern and do all the checks

Check if the opening and closing brackets are there and after the closing bracket it has a space and : and again space and the rest of the commit description.It should match the 1st pattern.

  • If it meets an Alphanumeric character after the - then it matches the 2nd pattern

I have tried to use a disjunction in a capturing group but somehow it fails. Actually, I am guessing why it is failing as the second condition can always cover everything.

/^GRP\-[0-9] \s(FIX|CHANGE|HOTFIX|FEATURE){1}\s(CORE|SHARED|ADM|CSR|BUS|OTHER){1}\s-\s(\(. \)\s:\s. |. )/


These commit message patterns are invalid and shouldn't pass

  • GRP-0988 FIX CORE - (Some change)
  • GRP-0988 FIX CORE - (Some change) - Some description
  • GRP-0988 FIX CORE - (
  • GRP-0988 FIX CORE - ()
  • GRP-0988 FIX CORE - (Some change
  • GRP-0988 FIX CORE - Some change)

CodePudding user response:

This is the regex after the dash: (?:(\(.*?\))(?:\s:\s))?(?!\(.*?\)(?:\s-\s)?)(. )

  • (?:(\(.*?\))(?:\s:\s))? - Optionally match the previous two parts, without capturing
    • (\(.*?\)) - Match and capture the part within parentheses. Use the non-greedy quantifier *? to prevent leaking into the rest of the string if there is another ) after the part you want to match.
    • (?:\s:\s) - Match and discard the colon and surrounding spaces
  • (?!\(.*?\)(?:\s-\s)?) - Negative lookahead to ensure it does not match messages such as (Some change) and (Some change) - Some description
    • \(.*?\) - Match stuff within parentheses
    • (?:\s-\s)? - Optionally match a colon surrounded by spaces
  • (. ) - Match and capture the rest the commit message

let formats = [
  "GRP-0888 FIX OTHER - (jest.config.js) : Fix testMatch option issue",
  "GRP-0888 FIX OTHER - Fix testMatch option issue",
  "GRP-0900 FIX CORE - (Some change) - Some change. If there are (Some text)",
  "GRP-0988 FIX CORE - (Some change)",
  "GRP-0988 FIX CORE - (Some change) - Some description",

let regex = /^GRP\-[0-9] \s(FIX|CHANGE|HOTFIX|FEATURE)\s(CORE|SHARED|ADM|CSR|BUS|OTHER)\s-\s(?:(\(.*?\))(?:\s:\s))?(?!\(.*?\)(?:\s-\s)?)(. )/

for (let format of formats) {

CodePudding user response:

You might use:

^GRP-[0-9] \s(FIX|CHANGE|HOTFIX|FEATURE)\s(CORE|SHARED|ADM|CSR|BUS|OTHER)\s-\s(?=[^a-zA-Z0-9]*[a-zA-Z0-9])(?:\([^()]*\)\s:\s)?[^()]*$


  • ^ Start of string
  • GRP-[0-9] \s Match GRP- 1 digits and a whitespace char
  • (FIX|CHANGE|HOTFIX|FEATURE) Capture one of the alternatives in group 1
  • \s Match a single whitespace char
  • (CORE|SHARED|ADM|CSR|BUS|OTHER) Capture one of the alternatives in group 2
  • \s-\s Match - between 2 whitespace chars
  • (?=[^a-zA-Z0-9]*[a-zA-Z0-9]) Positive lookahead, assert an alphanumeric to the right
  • (?:\([^()]*\)\s:\s)? Optionally match (...) followed by :
  • [^()]* Match optional chars other than ( or )
  • $ End of string

See a regex101 demo

const regex = /^GRP-[0-9] \s(FIX|CHANGE|HOTFIX|FEATURE)\s(CORE|SHARED|ADM|CSR|BUS|OTHER)\s-\s(?=[^a-zA-Z0-9]*[a-zA-Z0-9])(?:\([^()]*\)\s:\s)?[^()]*$/;
  "GRP-0888 FIX OTHER - (jest.config.js) : Fix testMatch option issue",
  "GRP-0888 FIX OTHER - Fix testMatch option issue",
  "GRP-0988 FIX CORE - (Some change)",
  "GRP-0988 FIX CORE - (Some change) - Some description",
  "GRP-0988 FIX CORE - (",
  "GRP-0988 FIX CORE - ()",
  "GRP-0988 FIX CORE - (Some change",
  "GRP-0988 FIX CORE - Some change)"
].forEach(s =>
  console.log(`${regex.test(s)} ---> ${s}`)

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