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How can I create a class with factory method and use it as singleton?


I tried creating a class that has a factory method and use it as a singleton class . However my class needs a few constructors and doing so I always fail to write it properly

Is it possible to pass constructor and use a factory method ? I have not been able to do so. this is the class

class LocationService {
  BuildContext context;
  late Position position;
  GeoPoint? initPosition;
  bool loadGeoFire = false;
  Function update_drivers;
  bool nearbyAvailableDriverKeysLoaded;
  bool removeDriverIcon;
  String? removeDriverKey;

    required this.context,
    required this.update_drivers,
    required this.nearbyAvailableDriverKeysLoaded,
    required this.removeDriverIcon,
    required this.removeDriverKey,
    required this.initPosition,
    required this.loadGeoFire,
    // required this.position,

  Future<void> locatePosition() async {
    final appData = context.read<AppData>();
    position = await Geolocator.getCurrentPosition(
        desiredAccuracy: LocationAccuracy.high);
    print("This is your Position:: "   position.toString());

    GeoPoint initPos =
        GeoPoint(latitude: position.latitude, longitude: position.longitude);

    initPosition = initPos;

    appData.initPosition = initPos;
    String address =
        // ignore: unnecessary_cast
        await (AssistantMethods.searchCoordinateAddress(position, context)
            as FutureOr<String>);
    print("This is your Address:: "   address);
    if (!loadGeoFire) {
        position: position,
        update_drivers: update_drivers,
        nearbyAvailableDriverKeysLoaded: nearbyAvailableDriverKeysLoaded,
        removeDriverIcon: removeDriverIcon,
        removeDriverKey: removeDriverKey,
      loadGeoFire = true;
    // uName = userCurrentInfo.name;
    Provider.of<AppData>(context, listen: false).closeSplashScreen(false, true);

I tried to do sth like this

class LocationService {
  BuildContext context;
  late Position position;
  GeoPoint? initPosition;
  bool loadGeoFire = false;
  Function update_drivers;
  bool nearbyAvailableDriverKeysLoaded;
  bool removeDriverIcon;
  String? removeDriverKey;

  static final LocationService _instance = LocationService._internal(
    context: context,
    update_drivers: update_drivers,
    nearbyAvailableDriverKeysLoaded: nearbyAvailableDriverKeysLoaded,
    removeDriverIcon: removeDriverIcon,
    removeDriverKey: removeDriverKey,
    initPosition: initPosition,
    loadGeoFire: loadGeoFire,
    position: position,

  factory LocationService() {
    return _instance;

    required this.context,
    required this.update_drivers,
    required this.nearbyAvailableDriverKeysLoaded,
    required this.removeDriverIcon,
    required this.removeDriverKey,
    required this.initPosition,
    required this.loadGeoFire,
    required this.position,

won't work though. keep getting the error The instance member 'context' can't be accessed in an initializer. Try replacing the reference to the instance member .. etc Also do I really need to create a singleton class ? I am callinglocatePosition method from different places, read it was a good practice and want to do so.

This is how i call it from another class

  Future<void> mapIsReady(bool isReady) async {
      LocationService locationService = LocationService(
        context: context,
        update_drivers: update_drivers,
        nearbyAvailableDriverKeysLoaded: nearbyAvailableDriverKeysLoaded,
        removeDriverIcon: removeDriverIcon,
        removeDriverKey: removeDriverKey,
        initPosition: initPosition,
        loadGeoFire: loadGeoFire,

// calling the locatePosition method
      await locationService.locatePosition();

CodePudding user response:

It's for sure possible to pass arguments even when using a singleton constructor in Dart.

Here I have added positional parameters in the constructor but you can add named parameters too in it.

Here's the example for it:

class LocationService {
  late BuildContext context;
  late Position position;
  late GeoPoint? initPosition;
  late bool loadGeoFire = false;
  late Function update_drivers;
  late bool nearbyAvailableDriverKeysLoaded;
  late bool removeDriverIcon;
  late String? removeDriverKey;

  static final LocationService _instance = LocationService._internal();

  factory LocationService(
    BuildContext context,
    Function update_drivers,
    bool nearbyAvailableDriverKeysLoaded,
    bool removeDriverIcon,
    String removeDriverKey,
    GeoPoint initPosition,
    bool loadGeoFire,
    Position position,
  ) {
    _instance.context = context;
    _instance.update_drivers = update_drivers;
    _instance.nearbyAvailableDriverKeysLoaded = nearbyAvailableDriverKeysLoaded;
    _instance.removeDriverIcon = removeDriverIcon;
    _instance.removeDriverKey = removeDriverKey;
    _instance.initPosition = initPosition;
    _instance.loadGeoFire = loadGeoFire;
    _instance.position = position;
    return _instance;

CodePudding user response:

I did it this way tho

class LocationService {
  static LocationService? _locationService;

  final BuildContext context;
  final Function update_drivers;
  final bool nearbyAvailableDriverKeysLoaded;
  final bool removeDriverIcon;
  final String? removeDriverKey;
  GeoPoint? initPosition;
  bool loadGeoFire;

  late Position position;

    required this.context,
    required this.update_drivers,
    required this.nearbyAvailableDriverKeysLoaded,
    required this.removeDriverIcon,
    required this.removeDriverKey,
    required this.initPosition,
    required this.loadGeoFire,

  factory LocationService({
    required BuildContext context,
    required Function update_drivers,
    required bool nearbyAvailableDriverKeysLoaded,
    required bool removeDriverIcon,
    required String? removeDriverKey,
    required GeoPoint? initPosition,
    required bool loadGeoFire,
  }) {
    _locationService ??= LocationService._(
      context: context,
      update_drivers: update_drivers,
      nearbyAvailableDriverKeysLoaded: nearbyAvailableDriverKeysLoaded,
      removeDriverIcon: removeDriverIcon,
      removeDriverKey: removeDriverKey,
      initPosition: initPosition,
      loadGeoFire: loadGeoFire,
    return _locationService!;
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