Home > Enterprise >  how to find words containing specific letters in a .txt file with Python?
how to find words containing specific letters in a .txt file with Python?


I'm currently trying to create a programm to find all the possible answers to the nytimes game "spelling bee" My goal is to write a programm, which receives 7 inputs (one per letters in the game), and from those inputs finds words in a words.txt file (with the english dictionnary) containing those letters. The rules are as follow : the words have to be 4 letters or more, and "middle_letter" has to appear it every words.

Here is the code that I have at the moment:

middle_letter = input("Entrez la lettre du milieu : ")
l1 = input("Entrez la lettre n°1 : ")
l2 = input("Entrez la lettre n°2 : ")
l3 = input("Entrez la lettre n°3 : ")
l4 = input("Entrez la lettre n°4 : ")
l5 = input("Entrez la lettre n°5 : ")
l6 = input("Entrez la lettre n°6 : ")

with open('words.txt') as f:
    print([w.strip() for w in f if {middle_letter, l1, l2, l3, l4, l5, l6} <= set(w)])

The only thing is that the output I get is every words in the .txt file containing these letters, with other ones, whereas I only want the words containig the specific letters, and nothing else.

Thanks in advance for your precious help :)

CodePudding user response:

First, make a set of letters from the input letters. Then, for each word in the words.txt file, determine whether it is four or more letters long, contains the middle letter, and contains all of the other input letters. Ascertain that the set of letters in the word is a subset of the set of input letters, and that the word contains no extra letters.

middle_letter = input("Enter the middle letter: ")
l1 = input("Enter letter #1: ")
l2 = input("Enter letter #2: ")
l3 = input("Enter letter #3: ")
l4 = input("Enter letter #4: ")
l5 = input("Enter letter #5: ")
l6 = input("Enter letter #6: ")

letters = set([middle_letter, l1, l2, l3, l4, l5, l6])

with open('words.txt') as f:
    words = [w.strip() for w in f if len(w) >= 4 and middle_letter in w and all(l in w for l in [l1, l2, l3, l4, l5, l6]) and set(w) <= letters]

CodePudding user response:

The code that ended up working for me is :

middle_letter = input("Enter the middle letter: ")
l1 = input("Enter letter #1: ")
l2 = input("Enter letter #2: ")
l3 = input("Enter letter #3: ")
l4 = input("Enter letter #4: ")
l5 = input("Enter letter #5: ")
l6 = input("Enter letter #6: ")

with open('words.txt') as f: words = [w.strip() for w in f 
if set(w.strip()).issubset({middle_letter, l1, l2, l3, l4, 
l5, l6})]

possible_words = [word for word in words if middle_letter 
in word and l1   l2   l3   l4   l5   l6 in ''.join([c for c 
in word if c != middle_letter])]

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