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Spring boot 3 Swagger not working with updated version


Trying to generate swagger UI but not able to generate using spring boot 3.0.2 and java 17.0.2. Below is my details

Gradle dependency

implementation "io.springfox:springfox-boot-starter:3.0.0"

Swagger Configuration

@EnableJpaRepositories(basePackages = { "com.bl.entity.repository" })
public class BlApiUiApplication {

    public static void main(String[] args) {
        SpringApplication.run(BlApiUiApplication.class, args);

    Docket docket() {
        return new Docket(DocumentationType.SWAGGER_2)
                .groupName("UI Details")

    private ApiInfo apiInfo() {
        return new ApiInfoBuilder()


@Api(value = "API")
public class UIController {

    private final Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(UIController.class);

    @ApiOperation(value = "isRunning", notes = "To check whether service is running or not")
    @GetMapping(value = "/isRunning", produces = MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON_VALUE)
    public ResponseEntity<String> test() {
        return new ResponseEntity<>("Service is running.", HttpStatus.OK);

    @ApiOperation(value = "/user/login", notes = "To login user")
    @ApiResponses(value = { @ApiResponse(code = 200, message = "Successful"),
            @ApiResponse(code = 500, message = "Internal server error"),
            @ApiResponse(code = 1001, message = "Application specific error.") })
    @PostMapping(value = "/user/login", consumes = MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON_VALUE, produces = MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON_VALUE)
    public ResponseEntity<BaseGatewayResponse> login(@RequestBody final UserLoginRequest requestDTO) {
        logger.info("Login request: {}", requestDTO);
        UserLoginResponse responseDTO = userGatewayService.login(requestDTO);
        logger.info("Exit Login response: {} for request: {}", responseDTO, requestDTO);
        return new ResponseEntity<>(responseDTO, HttpStatus.OK);

After running its not working getting below error.

Swagger URL : http://localhost:8080/BLApiUI/swagger-ui/index.html

Whitelabel Error Page
This application has no explicit mapping for /error, so you are seeing this as a fallback.

Fri Feb 03 22:59:52 IST 2023
There was an unexpected error (type=Not Found, status=404).

CodePudding user response:

Recently we have upgraded to Java 17, We have added 'org.springdoc:springdoc-openapi-ui:1.6.12' dependency as no other old swagger related dependency were working and Swagger Configuration class looks simple for us now

public class SwaggerConfiguration{
   public GroupedOpenApi publicApi(){

CodePudding user response:

in case you want to try "openapi", simply add annotation "OpenAPIDefinition" to Application class, no other code change is needed.

implementation "org.springdoc:springdoc-openapi-ui:1.6.12"

springboot 2.7.0
java 17

public class MyApplication

Swagger URL : http://localhost:8080/swagger-ui/index.html#/
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