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Jolt Transform to append extracted data


I'm new to Jolt Transform and have some EDI data that I want to transform. I want to keep the original data and append a few extracted elements in order to make it easier for a downstream process to get to. Here's a sample:


  "id": "2000",
  "segments": [
      "REF02": "xxxxxxxxxxxx",
      "REF01": "0F",
      "id": "REF"
      "REF02": "yyyyyyyyyyyy",
      "REF01": "1L",
      "id": "REF"
  "loops": [
      "id": "2100",
      "segments": []
      "id": "2100",
      "segments": [],
      "loops": [
          "id": "2300",
          "segments": [
              "DTP01": "348",
              "DTP03": "20220101",
              "DTP02": "D8",
              "id": "DTP"
              "DTP01": "349",
              "DTP03": "20221231",
              "DTP02": "D8",
              "id": "DTP"

Desired Output

  "ext": {
    "subscriber": "xxxxxxxxxxxx",
    "start": "20220101"
  "id": "2000",
  "segments": [
      "REF02": "xxxxxxxxxxxx",
      "REF01": "0F",
      "id": "REF"
      "REF02": "yyyyyyyyyyyy",
      "REF01": "1L",
      "id": "REF"
  "loops": [
      "id": "2100",
      "segments": []
      "id": "2100",
      "segments": [],
      "loops": [
          "id": "2300",
          "segments": [
              "DTP01": "348",
              "DTP03": "20220101",
              "DTP02": "D8",
              "id": "DTP"
              "DTP01": "349",
              "DTP03": "20221231",
              "DTP02": "D8",
              "id": "DTP"

That is, I'd like to append the ext element - copying values from the original.

In xpath terms, the extracted values' paths look something like this:

subscriber :

 /segments[../id eq "2000"]/..[REF01 eq "0F"]/REF02/text()

start :

 /loops[../id eq "2000"]/../segments[../id eq "2100"])[1]/..
          [id eq "NM1" and NM101 eq "IL"][DTP01 eq "348"]/DTP03/text()

Thanks for the help.

CodePudding user response:

I ended up with this solution. If there's any feedback on streamlining, making more elegant, let me know.

    "operation": "default",
    "spec": {
      "dummy": {}
    "operation": "shift",
    "spec": {
      "dummy": {
        "@2,segments": {
          "*": {
            "REF01": {
              "0F": {
                "@2,REF02": "ext.subscriber"
        "@2,loops": {
          "*": {
            "id": {
              "2100": {
                "@2,loops": {
                  "*": {
                    "id": {
                      "2300": {
                        "@2,segments": {
                          "*": {
                            "DTP01": {
                              "348": {
                                "@2,DTP03": "ext.start"
      "id": "id",
      "segments": "segments",
      "loops": "loops"

CodePudding user response:

You can replicate the whole content by use of "@": "" within a shift transformation while adding less curly braces to nest the inner stuff, at the same time determining the paths to search to be used in the next spec such as

    "operation": "shift",
    "spec": {
      "@": "",
      "segments": {
        "*": {//indexes of the array
          "@REF02": "ext.su.@REF01"
      "loops": {
        "*": {//indexes of the array
          "@loops": {
            "*": {//indexes of the array
              "@segments": {
                "*": {//indexes of the array
                  "@DTP03": "ext.st.@5,id.@3,id.@DTP01"
    "operation": "shift",
    "spec": {
      "ext": {
        "@su.0F": "&1.subscriber",
        "@st.2100.2300.348": "&1.start"
      "*": "&" //replicate the other attributes/arrays/objects
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