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How to put template class into args pack itself?


I have template class like below:

template<typename T>
class A;

template<typename ...Args>
class A<void(Args...)> {

    void foo(Args... args) {
        /* stuffs */

Is it possible put A<void(Args...)> in Args pack itself while define specified class, like: A<void(A<...>, /* other args */)> ?
Make class something similar to:

class B {
    void(*callback)(const B&, /* other args */);

    void foo(const B&, /* other args */) {
        /* stuffs */

I can make it work by using void* like A<void(void*, /* other args */>, then cast back to the original one inside the function. Just want to ask if it possible and how to do it, without using void*.

CodePudding user response:

I would let lambda/std::function combo do the heavy lifting. It may result in a bit of overhead but the code becomes more maintainable and would look something like this:

#include <functional>
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <type_traits>

template<typename... args_t>
class A
    template<typename fn_t> 
    auto register_callback(fn_t fn) // possibly constrain here (using SFINAE or concept)
        m_callback = fn;

    void func_with_callback(args_t&&... args)

    std::function<void(const args_t&...)> m_callback;

int main()
    std::string hello{"Hello"};
    A<std::string> a;

    // use lambdas to capture all the variables you need.
    a.register_callback([=](const std::string& name){ std::cout << hello << " " << name; });

    return 0;

CodePudding user response:

Is it possible put A<void(Args...)> in Args pack itself while define specified class, like: A<void(A<...>, /* other args */)> ?

Yes there is, as shown below. Note the added first argument const A<void(Args...)>& in the definitions of callback and foo.

template<typename T>
class A;

template<typename ...Args>
class A<void(Args...)> { 
//------------------vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv-------------->added this first argument
    void(*callback)(const A<void(Args...)>&, Args...);
//-----------vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv--------------------->added this first argument
    void foo(const A<void(Args...)>&,Args... args) {  
void func(double, int)

int main()
    A<decltype(func)> a;

Live demo

The above will result in an instantiation of a class-type like you want:

class A<void (double, int)>
  void (*callback)(const A<void (double, int)> &, double, int);
  inline void foo(const A<void (double, int)> &, double __args1, int __args2);
  // inline A() noexcept = default;

Note that with injected class name you can just write const A& in the parameter list to make the code more readable.

template<typename ...Args>
class A<void(Args...)> { 
//------------------------v---------------->injected class name
    void(*callback)(const A&, Args...);
//----------------------------------------->injected class name
    void foo(const A&,Args... args) {  

Demo with injected class name

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