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Jane letter CRM: use CRM to help the enterprise scientific management, improve sales win rate


Jane letter CRM: clever use CRM to help enterprises scientific management, improve sales to win a single rate

With the rapid change of market environment, the enterprise competition in the market increasingly harsh, coupled with the outbreak, this year most of the enterprise management situation is not optimistic,

Each company is trying to quickly boost performance, in order to survival and development, and customers clues as the direct source of performance, makes the enterprise to its,

In this process, the enterprise will face the pain points:

Clues to the classification management is confusion

Unable to scientific evaluation of channel conversion and input return

Sales leads are not fully tap

Unable to accurately measure whether the clues to follow up in place

Want to solve these problems, efficient management, sales leads, we must establish an effective sales management process, the CRM system can realize multi-channel market clue management and transformation, transformation process is established to optimize sales leads,

1, set up sales leads follow up mechanism

Research has shown that in numerous sales leads, only 27% of the sales leads are contacted, sales leads the average response time is 61 hours, that is to say, most of the sales leads are not timely follow-up, so in order to ensure that sales can effectively, reasonably follow existing sales leads, need to set the upper limit of each sales leads, and to follow up the clues to set cycle,

CRM system can be set for each sales the cap on the number of private pool, 50 people, for example, when the quantity reaches limit, the sales can not receive new clues, would like to receive new clues, it has to be some clues to return to the public a clinch a deal or clues pool in hand, this can not only prevent sales do not cherish the hands of clues or for clues to be choosers, can also speed up the sales to follow up the hand of clues,

Clues to the CRM system also can be set recycling rules, help enterprises to fully activate the potential clues, such as setting up seven days did not follow up recovery, when sales clues in hand more than 7 days no follow up, will automatically recycle clue to pool, collected let other sales continue to follow up, to prevent the sales unconquerable a clue but not follow up the case, also let the clues resource be fully used, conversion rates and improve the efficiency of clues to follow up,

2, for the classification of sales leads

Conformity through various channels to obtain clues, clues are not effective, sales staff get a clue, need to record the customer's contact information, and then continue to follow up, until they become an order, however the sales cannot follow up a clue to the customer, each time when the clues to the customer more and more, it takes a lot of time of trial and error to find sales opportunities, so we need according to the clues to the customer's characteristics, classifying clues, the sales staff to determine whether the customer is worth to follow up quickly,

CRM can bring the convenience for sales, create an automated mechanism through in CRM, you can specify conditions to automatically classify customers, such as that of class A customer should have "registered capital of more than 50 million, staff more than 100 people, from the social media and marketing channel" etc, through various channels into the clues selection according to enterprise industry demand, to find the "most valuable clues," let the sales staff has more understanding of clues, know should focus on follow up what clues,

3, dimensional analysis clues

Sales leads follow up need to be periodically checking, closely monitor the number of clues, conversion rate, sales opportunities, follow up or transformation of time and so on, in the process of process management, CRM data generated can be real-time, accurate analysis in different stages of the sales, know what clues already clinch a deal, what clues have the chance to clinch a deal, clues as to what stage is no longer enough, etc., so as to adjust sales strategy, improve conversion rate,

And CRM can evaluate each channel clues to the conversion and TouRuLv, sales to follow up the number of clues, and follow the efficiency and process, for example, in the exhibition promotion channels, obtaining 160 clue, the conversion 80 clue, the conversion rate is 50%; In the search engine channels to obtain 300 clue, the conversion 120 clue, the conversion rate is 40%, known exhibition promotion channel conversion rate is higher, so as to optimize resource on the follow-up,

CRM system can win all channels of clues, through management and follow up can be converted to the customer, at the same time can according to the conversion of different channels of clues to analysis, so as to optimize the resources of the marketing activities, in order to achieve the profit maximization,
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