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Vehicle management system solutions


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A, description
Along with the development of social economy, more and more people using vehicle for authority enterprises with various types of vehicles, vehicle management has become an important task in daily affairs, how to make the transaction management personnel to understand each car in time, reasonable arrangement of the employee's vehicles use requirement, improve the efficiency of the use of vehicles, put an end to private, cost control vehicles becomes a problem urgently to be solved in each unit,
Control to regulate the behavior of vehicles, transport costs, put an end to private, increasing the service efficiency of vehicles and the efficiency of management, vehicle management system construction requirements, XX put forward to realize efficient vehicles archives management system construction, the driver management, transport management, vehicle scheduling management, cost management, vehicle cost accounting, traffic management and intelligent early warning, vehicles in and out of control and real-time monitoring, etc.; Through enhances the working efficiency of the management system construction, improve the efficiency of vehicle use, control the vehicle use of cost and better meet the transport requirement,
In accordance with the requirements of XX to the vehicle management, combined with our years of experience in software development, we put forward the following solutions,
Second, software solutions (a) system design thinking
? Establishment of a comprehensive electronic archives for the center with vehicles and drivers,
? Accounting application, examination and approval, scheduling, evaluation, integration management,
? Strengthen cost accounting, various fees collection to the car, the collection to the people, facilitating cost statistics and accounting,
? Intelligent high, provide smart reminder and intelligent scheduling functions,
? And effectively integrate application of beidou positioning system, achieve real-time positioning in monitoring,
? And license plate recognition system, and integration of intelligent way brake applications, vehicle in and out of the intelligent control
? System USES pure WEB page design and realize the client zero installation zero maintenance,
? System to support mobile applications, improve the efficiency of office
? Flexible design and follow the development of standard, the system has strong expansion ability and the ability to interface with other systems, such as OA office system, short message platform, such as
(2) the system overall architecture

(3) the system existing function introduction 1, archives management
Archives archives, including vehicle driver, vehicle and driver's license file, unit file, realize the electronic archives, and the management of the basic information for both static and dynamic correlation information and view,

2, the traffic management
? Management: agreed to register, the premium entry, due to remind,
? Annual inspection management: yearly check of registration, the cost input, due to remind,
? Entry certificate inspection: the inspection registration, fees, due to remind,
? Come on management: come on card management, go to register, the fuel consumption calculation,
? Maintenance management: entry, maintenance maintenance costs management, maintenance reminder,
? Management: illegal record, responsibility for drivers and vehicles, penalty and fine information,
? Incident management: record, liability, loss, insurance claims,
? Traffic warning: the system to provide the popup form, the function such as mobile phone SMS alerts,
3, transport management
? Process definition: according to the unit is the custom all kinds of transport processes, including process approval link, the approver, etc.,
? Car vehicle query: people can view the online vehicle state information,
? Online application: applicants via computers or mobile phones can apply for car online,
? Online examination and approval, with the leadership of the examination and approval authority on computers end or mobile end after examination and approval, the vehicle administrator before being "wheels,"
? Process tracking: to view your submission process or processing process flow situation,

4, scheduling management
? Control center: a comprehensive grasp units available vehicles, can send the driver, car mission requirements and need of the car,
? Vehicle arrangement: according to the arrangement of transport demand vehicles and drivers, print send single, if you need to SMS alerts vehicles and drivers, system support to the driver of the car and automatically send SMS,
? Car registration: vehicle car mileage and time, monitoring system and entrance guard and integrated application, can automatically record the vehicle playing time and mileage of the car,
? Collect registration: when vehicles enter, registered vehicles enter time, mileage, the information such as oil, monitoring system and entrance guard and integrated application, can automatically record the vehicle playing time and mileage of the car,

5, cost management? Charge registration: vehicle some temporary fee, such as cleaning, parking fees, etc.,
? Cost audit: audit in front of the traffic management of expenses and costs generated by the registration fees,
? Cost query: the query vehicle fees detail,

6, statistics
? Detailed reports: all kinds of detail records, such as vehicle files, refueling records, detailed reports such as insurance records,
? Summary report: cost expense, attendance summary, such as fuel consumption summary report,
? Chart analysis: currently, only provide the fee don't chart analysis,

7, the basic management
? Organizational management: to establish a unit organization structure, including the headquarters, branch, department organization information, such as
? Personnel management, maintenance and management basic profile information and account information,
? Rights management: according to the different operation of personnel responsibilities different permission and data permission,

8, beidou positioning monitoring
Need to install the corresponding car terminal in the vehicle, the beidou positioning monitoring system has the following functions:
? Real-time monitor the vehicle
For outgoing vehicles for full-time, the entire control and command, thus effectively solved to drive round to do personal problems, such as

? Historical trajectory playback
On-board equipment can uninterrupted large stores the movement track of the vehicle and the running state, and quickly and accurately the historical trajectory of the vehicle back to the monitoring center, the monitoring center can query the vehicle at any time of history, to achieve traceability,
? Speeding, super regional limit
When vehicles are driven beyond the safe driving speed and area, the table quickly send alarm signal to the monitoring center

? Center, vehicle two-way voice
On-board equipment speaker with high resolution and high sensitivity receiver, without the pilot operation, can automatically receive management personnel's voice command, so as to ensure the safety of vehicle driving,
? Real-time fuel consumption monitoring
Through the OBD bus fuel consumption data, can view real-time vehicle fuel consumption,
? Fault alarm
Through the acquisition vehicle water temperature, engine speed run data, such as failure of automatic alarm,
? Driving behavior analysis
Through the acquisition vehicle data on driver behavior analysis, such as fatigue driving, a sharp turn, throttle, etc.,

9, intelligent entrance guard control
? System structure
Brake system consists of license plate recognition camera, digital, vehicle detector, ground sense coil, remote control, linear regulated power supply and so on,

A. license plate recognition camera
(1) identify license plate signal,
(2) the control gate opening and closing,
(3) the snap in and out of the picture,
B. digital way brake
Through the Internet and communication between server and license plate recognition machine, under normal circumstances, brake rail down, gate closed, a ban on vehicle access, when after receiving the signals of open software, brake rail is raised, the vehicle to allow access
C. vehicle detector
To detect whether there is a device of vehicles, the pressure when a vehicle on the ground sense coil connected to the vehicle detector, ground sense coil inductance will change, usually in the brake of the buried below ground sense coil, have hit a car the purpose of prevention,
? In and out of control
Vehicles in and out of doors, in addition to detect whether the vehicle is registered vehicles, but also to determine whether a vehicle licensing in and out, if it is authorized in and out of the vehicle, the brake automatically open, vehicle to pass, if it is other social vehicles or unauthorized vehicles, the brake would not open, but will also be alert in the system, its working process is as follows:
? In and out of the record
Vehicles every time through the gate, in and out of control of various devices will be record vehicles entering and leaving detailed records, through the card reader to get the information of record is the car traffic and the passage of time, through the Internet to send data validation is authorized in and out, at the same time record the driver, car information such as, through the image capture records vehicle in and out of images, such as access to records in the database, relevant personnel can be queried,
? In and out of the monitor
If necessary, can be in the guard or sentry box on the computer can see each vehicle real-time traffic conditions, including vehicles, vehicle for examination and approval of the leadership, in and out of time, the driver, vehicle in and out of the photos and the traffic system to save the pictures, such as

10, mobile application
In order to better meet customer "anytime, anywhere" processing business, we developed the vehicle management system of mobile phone APP, in order to make the related operation personnel can through the mobile phone to realize the function of the most urgent operation, including cars, for examination and approval of the leadership, dispatchers, drivers, different roles can operate on different function,
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