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Traditional way of thinking power of wisdom: break the power plant


Increasingly slowing growth in electricity demand, increasing proportion of new energy power industry background, break into power plant as a new "breakthrough" business wisdom,
Since 1949, China's power industry continued rapid growth, electricity generating 1.78 billion kw in 2017, the electric power industry progress, development is entering a new norm,
At the same time, with cloud computing, Internet of things, mobile applications, such as artificial intelligence, information in frontier science and technology, the electric power industry how to change the extensive management pattern, propulsion system, management, science and technology innovation, cultivating new growth advantage, into each competition,
Whether real reversed transmission, or self innovation, intelligent power plant, is a inevitable trend,
Intelligent information technology application, greatly improve the efficiency of the power plant production and management, and better ensure the safety production and economic operation, however, China's independent intellectual property rights in the field of information control the underlying basis for research and development, is still very weak,
Intelligent power plant involved in safety, economy, environmental protection, high efficiency, etc., the necessary equipment foundation, the mathematical model, control efficiency, software platform, the external system is not perfect enough; Smart grid has been carried out related research, but from a fully still has certain process; Power, limited by scheduling, the relevant work is in a stage of power plant experiment and theory study,
Power generation enterprises in China automation information system has a good technical basis, but there are still many problems need to be perfect, such as: automated still is given priority to with "loop PID", advanced control technology and intelligent control technology application has not yet been fully implementing; Existing data integration is only a simple copy of the data and statistics, common data source is not uniform; The great amount of data and mixed, automation and information technology has not been upgraded to intelligent,
Admittedly, reform of electric power system in the new century, to promote the electric power market boom again, however, the power industry information too closed, the threshold is too high, but in fact constraint for the promotion and application of intelligent,
Gartner, the latest forecasts the future of science and technology, artificial intelligence has been the stage of 0 to 3 years old, its 3-10 years is the most difficult and most critical period, this period will be completed by industry,
And big data + artificial intelligence, can not only solve the problem of the traditional power plants that were left behind, but also IT can be integrated with the industry the most depth,
Cloud cool technology through 3 d virtual power plant with the actual production system (. Two ticket management, security management, defect management, the work in place management, sub-contractor management, and instrument management, vehicle management, video monitor), etc, the combination of using UWB accurate positioning, LoRa exist positioning, A - GPS vehicle positioning, virtual reality, face recognition, image recognition, big data analysis technology such as power plants three-dimensional space comprehensive all-weather production safety management, achieve wisdom power plant security mode,
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