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Select select box in the onload load data, can't show in the list


Page ({
Data: {
Options: [{
Id: '001',
RoomDesc: 'Beijing'
Selected: {}
/* *
* life cycle function - listening page load
OnLoad: function (options) {
Var that=this;
Wx. Request ({
Url: getApp (). GlobalData. Url + 'GetGpRoom',
Data: {},
Header: {
'the content-type' : 'application/x - WWW - form - urlencoded',
'cookies' : wx. GetStorageSync (' CookieKey')
Success (res) {
If (res) data) err==false)
That the setData ({
Options: JSON. Parse (res) data) MSG)
The console. The log (that. Data. The options).

Initialization code as above, if the data displayed a normal dropdown

But the data to be loaded in the onl oad assigned to option, interface is not loading, according to data
Please grant instruction greatly, small program a small white thanked here
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