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Novice consult wx: navigateTo jump error can't find the page


{" errMsg ":" navigateTo: fail page \ "pages/demo/aleem walji XML " is not found "}

Pages containing the demo/test/detail three child folders, subfolders inside pages with the folder with the same name,
The demo/test inside the tabBar, the detail is not inside,
Demo includes demo. WXML and aleem walji XML,

Page in the app. There is a registration: json
"Pages" : [

In the demo. The inside of the js event with wx: navigateTo jump is always an error, {" errMsg ":" navigateTo: fail page \ "pages/demo/aleem walji XML " is not found "}
Wrote many kinds of form is submitted to the wrong can't find the page,
Jump to other pages also error such as: url=
'/pages/detail/detail. WXML'
'../pages/detail/detail. WXML '
'aleem walji XML'

O people

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