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Qt OpenGL problem


 SwOpGl. Obj: error LNK2019: cannot resolve the external symbol of __imp__wglCreateContext @ 4, the symbol in the function of "public: int __thiscall CSwOpGl: : OnCreate (void)" (? OnCreate @ CSwOpGl @ @ QAEHXZ) referenced 
SwOpGl. Obj: error LNK2019: cannot resolve the external symbol of __imp__wglDeleteContext @ 4, the symbol in the function of "public: void __thiscall CSwOpGl: : OnDestroy (void)" (? OnDestroy @ CSwOpGl @ @ QAEXXZ) referenced
SwOpGl. Obj: error LNK2019: cannot resolve the external symbol of __imp__wglMakeCurrent @ 8, the symbol in the function of "public: int __thiscall CSwOpGl: : OnCreate (void)" (? OnCreate @ CSwOpGl @ @ QAEHXZ) referenced
SwOpGl. Obj: error LNK2019: cannot resolve the external symbol of __imp__wglUseFontBitmapsW @ 16, the symbol in the function of "public: void __thiscall CSwOpGl: : BuildFont (void)" (? BuildFont @ CSwOpGl @ @ QAEXXZ) referenced
SwOpGl. Obj: error LNK2019: cannot resolve the external symbol of __imp__glBegin @ 4, the symbol in the function of "public: virtual int __thiscall CSwOpGl: : DrawGLScene (void)" (? DrawGLScene @ CSwOpGl @ @ UAEHXZ) referenced
SwOpGl. Obj: error LNK2019: cannot resolve the external symbol of __imp__glBindTexture @ 8, the symbol in the function of "public: int __thiscall CSwOpGl: : LoadGLTextures (void)" (? LoadGLTextures @ CSwOpGl @ @ QAEHXZ) referenced
SwOpGl. Obj: error LNK2019: cannot resolve the external symbol of __imp__glBlendFunc @ 8, the symbol in the function of "public: int __thiscall CSwOpGl: : InitGL (void)" (? InitGL @ CSwOpGl @ @ QAEHXZ) referenced
SwOpGl. Obj: error LNK2019: cannot resolve the external symbol of __imp__glCallLists @ 12, the symbol in the function ": public void __cdecl CSwOpGl: : glPrint (char const *,... (a) "? GlPrint @ CSwOpGl @ @ QAAXPBDZZ) referenced
SwOpGl. Obj: error LNK2019: cannot resolve the external symbol of __imp__glClear @ 4, the symbol in the function of "public: virtual int __thiscall CSwOpGl: : DrawGLScene (void)" (? DrawGLScene @ CSwOpGl @ @ UAEHXZ) referenced
SwOpGl. Obj: error LNK2019: cannot resolve the external symbol of __imp__glClearColor @ 16, the symbol in the function of "public: int __thiscall CSwOpGl: : InitGL (void)" (? InitGL @ CSwOpGl @ @ QAEHXZ) referenced
SwOpGl. Obj: error LNK2019: cannot resolve the external symbol of __imp__glClearDepth @ 8, the symbol in the function of "public: int __thiscall CSwOpGl: : InitGL (void)" (? InitGL @ CSwOpGl @ @ QAEHXZ) referenced
SwOpGl. Obj: error LNK2019: cannot resolve the external symbol of __imp__glColor3f @ 12, the symbol in the function of "public: virtual int __thiscall CSwOpGl: : DrawGLScene (void)" (? DrawGLScene @ CSwOpGl @ @ UAEHXZ) referenced
SwOpGl. Obj: error LNK2019: cannot resolve the external symbol of __imp__glColor3ub @ 12, the symbol in the function "void __cdecl SetVertexColor2 (float)" (? SetVertexColor2 @ @ YAXM @ Z) referenced
SwOpGl. Obj: error LNK2019: cannot resolve the external symbol of __imp__glColor4f @ 16, the symbol in the function of "public: virtual int __thiscall CSwOpGl: : DrawGLScene (void)" (? DrawGLScene @ CSwOpGl @ @ UAEHXZ) referenced
SwOpGl. Obj: error LNK2019: cannot resolve the external symbol of __imp__glDeleteLists @ 8, the symbol in the function of "public: void __thiscall CSwOpGl: : KillFont (void)" (? KillFont @ CSwOpGl @ @ QAEXXZ) referenced
SwOpGl. Obj: error LNK2019: cannot resolve the external symbol of __imp__glDepthFunc @ 4, the symbol in the function of "public: int __thiscall CSwOpGl: : InitGL (void)" (? InitGL @ CSwOpGl @ @ QAEHXZ) referenced
SwOpGl. Obj: error LNK2019: cannot resolve the external symbol of __imp__glEnable @ 4, the symbol in the function of "public: int __thiscall CSwOpGl: : InitGL (void)" (? InitGL @ CSwOpGl @ @ QAEHXZ) referenced
SwOpGl. Obj: error LNK2019: cannot resolve the external symbol of __imp__glEnd @ 0, the symbol in the function of "public: virtual int __thiscall CSwOpGl: : DrawGLScene (void)" (? DrawGLScene @ CSwOpGl @ @ UAEHXZ) referenced
SwOpGl. Obj: error LNK2019: cannot resolve the external symbol of __imp__glGenLists @ 4, the symbol in the function of "public: void __thiscall CSwOpGl: : BuildFont (void)" (? BuildFont @ CSwOpGl @ @ QAEXXZ) referenced
SwOpGl. Obj: error LNK2019: cannot resolve the external symbol of __imp__glGenTextures @ 8, the symbol in the function of "public: int __thiscall CSwOpGl: : LoadGLTextures (void)" (? LoadGLTextures @ CSwOpGl @ @ QAEHXZ) referenced
SwOpGl. Obj: error LNK2019: cannot resolve the external symbol of __imp__glHint @ 8, the symbol in the function of "public: int __thiscall CSwOpGl: : InitGL (void)" (? InitGL @ CSwOpGl @ @ QAEHXZ) referenced
SwOpGl. Obj: error LNK2019: cannot resolve the external symbol of __imp__glListBase @ 4, the symbol in the function ": public void __cdecl CSwOpGl: : glPrint (char const *,... (a) "? GlPrint @ CSwOpGl @ @ QAAXPBDZZ) referenced
SwOpGl. Obj: error LNK2019: cannot resolve the external symbol of __imp__glLoadIdentity @ 0, the symbol in the function of "public: void __thiscall CSwOpGl: : ReSizeGLScene (int, int)" (? ReSizeGLScene @ CSwOpGl @ @ QAEXHH @ Z) referenced
SwOpGl. Obj: error LNK2019: cannot resolve the external symbol of __imp__glMatrixMode @ 4, the symbol in the function of "public: void __thiscall CSwOpGl: : ReSizeGLScene (int, int)" (? ReSizeGLScene @ CSwOpGl @ @ QAEXHH @ Z) referenced
SwOpGl. Obj: error LNK2019: cannot resolve the external symbol of __imp__glPopAttrib @ 0, the symbol in the function ": public void __cdecl CSwOpGl: : glPrint (char const *,... (a) "? GlPrint @ CSwOpGl @ @ QAAXPBDZZ) referenced
SwOpGl. Obj: error LNK2019: cannot resolve the external symbol of __imp__glPushAttrib @ 4, the symbol in the function ": public void __cdecl CSwOpGl: : glPrint (char const *,... (a) "? GlPrint @ CSwOpGl @ @ QAAXPBDZZ) referenced
SwOpGl. Obj: error LNK2019: cannot resolve the external symbol of __imp__glRasterPos2f @ 8, the symbol in the function of "public: virtual int __thiscall CSwOpGl: : DrawGLScene (void)" (? DrawGLScene @ CSwOpGl @ @ UAEHXZ) referenced
SwOpGl. Obj: error LNK2019: cannot resolve the external symbol of __imp__glRotatef @ 16, the symbol in the function of "public: virtual int __thiscall CSwOpGl: : DrawGLScene (void)" (? DrawGLScene @ CSwOpGl @ @ UAEHXZ) referenced
SwOpGl. Obj: error LNK2019: cannot resolve the external symbol of __imp__glScalef @ 12, the symbol in the function of "public: virtual int __thiscall CSwOpGl: : DrawGLScene (void)" (? DrawGLScene @ CSwOpGl @ @ UAEHXZ) referenced
SwOpGl. Obj: error LNK2019: cannot resolve the external symbol of __imp__glShadeModel @ 4, the symbol in the function of "public: int __thiscall CSwOpGl: : InitGL (void)" (? InitGL @ CSwOpGl @ @ QAEHXZ) referenced
SwOpGl. Obj: error LNK2019: cannot resolve the external symbol of __imp__glTexImage2D @ 36, the symbol in the function of "public: int __thiscall CSwOpGl: : LoadGLTextures (void)" (? LoadGLTextures @ CSwOpGl @ @ QAEHXZ) referenced
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