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(dry) to teach culture institutions how to obtain customer layout trill last?


In this era of traffic cost is higher and higher, teach culture institutions if not play with the private domain flow, in the recruitment of students for the guest, after purchase and brand exposure certainly slow one step,
Trill the advent of the era of dividends, in do you still think that has nothing to do with themselves, even far away from your life and work, people have made millions is full, it is the characteristics of The Times, then, is the so-called "standing on the tuyere of the pig can fly." ",
You don't, someone will do, teach culture industry is the same, when you say trill, short video, when I have nothing to do with other agencies have run on the road for a long time,
Trill "viral" transmission speed, active users growing, now has penetrated to all ages, entered the era the trill, attract more and more industries in agriculture, users get traffic revenue, how to seize the opportunity to teach culture industry?

1. Suction powder content, set up their own advertising platform and window
2. Open the window, the product converted into cash; Opened stores, promote store address
3. The web celebrity economy, attract consumers to buy
4. Account live, interact with the fans, to promote the product
5. The official blue V logo, exhibit information, to manifest the authority of the official

How to set the account?
The crowd positioning: clear their customer base, from fans of age, gender, hobby,
Content value: account content can bring what customers value

Account locate
Name introduction: for a vertical account, precise name can be more accurate to draw attention to search people, introduction also need accurate copy, this is an account of the facade,
Account style: from the video images, post-processing and BGM direction to photograph,
Character set: set out the characteristics of the characters, language style, lines, classic action, etc., let the audience remember, like,
Psychological fetching: the content of the accounts set goals to meet the user's psychological demand, content must be given a certain value to the user,

An account if you want to do, first of all, is to determine the positioning of their account, in the short video education classes, the easiest way to fire account or masters IP type, content is "dry" soon enough to add powder can be achieved, but many education institutions is not willing to go to registered account in the name of a teacher, is a worry about earnings, one is afraid teacher choose solo after becoming famous, here can refer to these two schemes:

Benefits: general agency teachers' teaching task is heavy, so in order to be able to let the teacher actively cooperate with account operations, at the beginning will set clear benefits division plan,
Solo question: can choose signed an agreement with the teacher education institutions, and even in some small agencies also can let the teacher be your partner, then you can the whole heart into energy, and money to promote teacher, such masters IP account it would be easy to make out,

For shaking add: select for more high quality video shaking, break through traffic, on the need for data precision analysis,
Large mutual belt: the use of the existing large resources to bring a small topic or account direct interaction,
Hot comments drainage: can arrange operating personnel with high quality under the popular video review, attract attention,
KOL large cooperation: in account flow phase, cooperate to find similar KOL large promotion,
Live interaction, can carry out two or three times a week live interaction, enhance fans viscous,
Social media: besides personnel operation in a short video platform, also can spread in other social platform for content,

1. The emotional resonance
Must have strong emotional content, to prompt the user's thumb up and comment on behavior,
2. The form innovation
Trill platform content iteration is very fast, innovative forms of content to stand out in the massive video,
Hot contrast
3.Hot spot is always the subject of attention, plus a surprise the reversal of the plot, can make double effect,
4. The interaction of step
In between small and large, can attract more traffic, large and large between can produce 1 + 1 & gt; The effect of 2,
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