Home > Mobile >  NavigationView


Android: layout_width="wrap_content"
Android: layout_gravity="start"
The android: id="@ + id/nav_view"
App: headerLayout="@ layout/nav_header_test"
App: menu="@ menu/menu_drawer_test"
Android: layout_height="match_parent"

Com. Google. Android. Material. Navigation. The NavigationView

How point button, pop-up the NavigationView
ImgView_more=the findViewById (R.i d.i mgView_more);
ImgView_more. SetOnClickListener (new View. An OnClickListener () {
@ Override
Public void onClick (View v) {

NavigationView navigation=the findViewById (R.i d.n av_view);

CodePudding user response:

This did not make, go on the Internet can check this control NavigationView;
Also can go to Google's website to see the official document for this control is introduced: https://developer.android.google.cn/reference/com/google/android/material/navigation/NavigationView? Hl=en