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Daniel, I just learn appium error


D: \ pythonProject \ Scripts \ python exe C:/Users/high/PycharmProjects cavalry pythonProject/Appium_study_01 py
{' platformName ':' Android ', 'platformVersion' : '', 'deviceName' : 'nox', 'appPackage' : 'com. Tencent. Mobileqq', 'appActivity' : '. Com. Tencent mobileqq. Activity. LoginActivity '}
Traceback (the most recent call last) :
The File "C: \ Users \ cavalry even high \ PycharmProjects \ pythonProject \ Appium_study_01 py", line 11, the in & lt; module>
AD=webdriver. Remote (" ", desire_caps) # in front of the dictionary have an information into to specify appium server, and realize the instantiation (create an object)
The File "D: \ pythonProject \ lib \ site - packages \ appium \ webdriver \ webdriver py", line 155, in __init__
Super () __init__ (
The File "D: \ pythonProject \ lib \ site - packages, selenium and webdriver \ remote \ webdriver py", line 157, in __init__
Self. Start_session (" capabilities, browser_profile)
The File "D: \ pythonProject \ lib \ site - packages \ appium \ webdriver \ webdriver py", line 225, in start_session
The response=self. The execute (RemoteCommand NEW_SESSION, parameters)
The File "D: \ pythonProject \ lib \ site - packages, selenium and webdriver \ remote \ webdriver py", line 321, in the execute
The self. The error_handler. Check_response (response)
The File "D: \ pythonProject \ lib \ site - packages, selenium and webdriver \ remote \ errorhandler py", line 242, in check_response
Raise exception_class (message, screen, stacktrace)
Selenium.com mon. Exceptions. SessionNotCreatedException: Message: A new session could not be created. (the Original error: the Command failed: C: \ WINDOWS \ system32 \ CMD exe/s/C "D: \ appium \ android SDK - WINDOWS \ platform - the tools \ adb exe - s install" D: \ appiumna \ appium \ node_modules \ appium \ build \ settings_apk \ settings_apk - debug apk ""
Adb: failed to install D: \ appiumna \ Appium \ node_modules \ Appium \ build \ settings_apk \ settings_apk - debug apk: Failure [INSTALL_FAILED_ALREADY_EXISTS: Attempt to re - install IO. Appium. Settings without first uninstalling.]

The Process finished with exit code 1