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Wx. Request the function calls the callback function on page for page data calls in question?


Zhuce: function () {
let that=this;
If (that) data. The username. Length==0 | | that. The data. The password. The length==0 | | that. The data. The password=="" | | that. Data. The password==" ") {
Wx. ShowModal ({
Title: 'account or password cannot be empty! '
} else if (that data. The username. Length & lt; 10) {
Wx. ShowModal ({
Title: 'account number format is not correct! '
} else if (that data. The password. Length & lt; 6) {
Wx. ShowModal ({
Title: 'password figures may not be less than 6! '
} else {
The console. The log (" Hello, users: "+ this. Data. The username +" \ npassword: "+ this. Data. The password).
Wx. Request ({
Url: 'http://localhost:8088/demo/User/ListByStuNo',
Method: 'GET',
Header: {
'the content-type' : 'application/x - WWW - form - urlencoded'
Data: {
'stuNo: this data. The username,
Success: the function (res) {
The console. The log (" is the callback function: "+ res. Data);
Var ResData=https://bbs.csdn.net/topics/res.data;
If (ResData=true) https://bbs.csdn.net/topics/={

Wx. ShowModal ({
Title: 'user already exists! '
Duration: 2000
} else {
Wx. Request ({
Url: 'http://localhost:8088/demo/User/register',
Method: "POST",
Header: {
'the content-type' : 'application/x - WWW - form - urlencoded'
Data: {
'stuNo: that data. The username,
"PassWord" : that. Data. The passWord
Success: the function (res) {
The console. The log (" is the callback function: "+ res. Data);
Var ResData=https://bbs.csdn.net/topics/res.data;
If (ResData=true) https://bbs.csdn.net/topics/={
Wx. ShowModal ({
Title: 'registered success! '
Duration: 2000
Wx. RedirectTo ({
url: '../denglu/denglu ',
} else {
Wx. ShowModal ({
Title: 'registration failed! '
Duration: 2000

This is a registered module, to determine whether a user is returned to a callback function, in the judgment of the callback function to continue to register, but appeared a callback function cannot be carried out on the page page of data calls, everyone said that the success is a closure, this point is different, in advance is assigned to that don't work, could you tell me how to solve, predecessors this should
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