Home > Mobile >  Incompatible types: FirstFragment cannot be converted to the Context has a big yao for help
Incompatible types: FirstFragment cannot be converted to the Context has a big yao for help


Package.net. Hnjdzy. Videoapp. Fragments;

import android.os.Bundle;

The import androidx. Appcompat. Widget. The SearchView;
The import androidx. Fragments. App. Fragments;

The import android. View. LayoutInflater;
The import android. View. The view;
The import android. View. ViewGroup;
The import android. Widget. LinearLayout;
The import android. Widget. TextView;

The import net. Hnjdzy. Videoapp. R;
The import net. Hnjdzy. Videoapp. Constant. ImageList;
The import net. Hnjdzy. Videoapp. Util. Utils;
The import net. Hnjdzy. Videoapp. Widget. BannerIndicator;

/* *
* A simple {@ link fragments} ttf_subclass.
Public class FirstFragment extends fragments implements BannerIndicator. BannerClickListener {
Private static final String TAG="BannerIndicatorActivity";
Private View v.
Private TextView tv_pager;
Private SearchView. SearchAutoComplete sac_key;//declare a search automatically the edit box objects

Public FirstFragment () {

//Required empty public constructor

@ Override
Public View onCreateView (LayoutInflater inflater, ViewGroup container,
Bundle savedInstanceState) {
//to Inflate the layout for this fragment
V=inflater. Inflate (R.l ayout. Fragment_first, container, false);
Tv_pager=v. indViewById (R.i which v_pager);
//get from layout file named banner_indicator banner indicator
BannerIndicator banner=v. indViewById (R.i db anner_indicator);
LinearLayout. LayoutParams params=(LinearLayout. LayoutParams) banner. GetLayoutParams ();
Params. Height=(int) (Utils getScreenWidth (this) * 250 f/640 f).
//set the layout of the banner indicator parameter
Banner. SetLayoutParams (params);
//set the banner indicator of advertising images queue
Banner. SetImage (ImageList. GetDefault ());
//set the banner indicator AD click listener
Banner. SetOnBannerListener (this);
return v;
Public void onBannerClick (int position) {
String desc=the String. Format (" you click the first % d picture ", the position + 1);
Tv_pager. SetText (desc);


CodePudding user response:

Fragments parent class is not the Context, half thinking, the constructor to Fragment corresponding to the activity of the Context, direct call,

CodePudding user response:

GetActivity () to obtain the context

CodePudding user response:

The method of parameter need what type of the context, you first make sure, maybe need is the activity

CodePudding user response:

reference BDMH reply: 3/f
what type of context, the method of parameter need you to make sure, maybe need is about the activity

In addition, getContext () can obtain the context in the fragment,
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