Home > Mobile >  C # WeChat pay error System. The definition of Array does not contain toList
C # WeChat pay error System. The definition of Array does not contain toList


WeChat website to download the latest demo, debugging error: System. The definition of Array does not contain toList, and couldn't find the acceptable type for the System. The expansion of the Array first parameter method toList (whether or not the lack of a using directive or assembly) and the Internet, is change coding format, changed, but I still don't work, vs2013, who has experience in this respect, sharing,
Private string CalcHMACSHA256Hash (string plaintext, string salt)
The string result="";
Var enc.=Encoding UTF8;//. UTF8;//the Default
Byte []
BaText2BeHashed=enc. GetBytes (plaintext),
BaSalt=enc. GetBytes (salt);
System. Security. Cryptography. HMACSHA256 hasher=new HMACSHA256 (baSalt);
Byte [] baHashedText=hasher.Com puteHash (baText2BeHashed);
Result=string. Join (" ", baHashedText toList (). The Select (b=& gt; B.T oString (" x2 ")). ToArray ());
return result;

CodePudding user response:

Such payment is no problem, but to participate in, when acquiring the openid to refresh the page, the parameter is missing, how to solve, session, cookie seems to be no matter to use
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