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The android side crash logs, heavyweight support genuflect is begged


The Build version: 1.3.8
The Current date: 2020-03-27 17:19:18
Device: HUAWEI HMA - AL00

The Stack trace:
Java. Lang. RuntimeException: android OS. DeadSystemException
An android. View. Autofill. AutofillManager. StartSessionLocked (AutofillManager. Java: 1771)
An android. View. Autofill. AutofillManager. NotifyViewEnteredLocked (AutofillManager. Java: 981)
An android. View. Autofill. AutofillManager. NotifyViewEntered (AutofillManager. Java: 950)
An android. View. Autofill. AutofillManager. NotifyViewEntered (AutofillManager. Java: 901)
An android. View. The view. NotifyEnterOrExitForAutoFillIfNeeded (the Java: 7907)
An android. View. The view. OnFocusChanged (the Java: 7869)
... An android widget TextView onFocusChanged (TextView. Java: 10852)
An android. View. The view. HandleFocusGainInternal (the Java: 7532)
An android. View. The view. RequestFocusNoSearch (the Java: 12508)
An android. View. The view. RequestFocus (the Java: 12482)
An android. View. The view. RequestFocus (the Java: 12449)
An android. View. The view. RequestFocus (the Java: 12391)
An android. View. The view. The onTouchEvent (14909) view. Java:
... An android widget TextView onTouchEvent (TextView. Java: 10911)
An android. View. The view. DispatchTouchEvent (the Java: 13500)
An android. View. ViewGroup. DispatchTransformedTouchEvent (ViewGroup. Java: 3073)
An android. View. ViewGroup. DispatchTouchEvent (ViewGroup. Java: 2766)
An android. View. ViewGroup. DispatchTransformedTouchEvent (ViewGroup. Java: 3073)
An android. View. ViewGroup. DispatchTouchEvent (ViewGroup. Java: 2766)
An android. View. ViewGroup. DispatchTransformedTouchEvent (ViewGroup. Java: 3073)
An android. View. ViewGroup. DispatchTouchEvent (ViewGroup. Java: 2766)
An android. View. ViewGroup. DispatchTransformedTouchEvent (ViewGroup. Java: 3073)
An android. View. ViewGroup. DispatchTouchEvent (ViewGroup. Java: 2766)
An android. View. ViewGroup. DispatchTransformedTouchEvent (ViewGroup. Java: 3073)
An android. View. ViewGroup. DispatchTouchEvent (ViewGroup. Java: 2766)
An android. View. ViewGroup. DispatchTransformedTouchEvent (ViewGroup. Java: 3073)
An android. View. ViewGroup. DispatchTouchEvent (ViewGroup. Java: 2766)
An android. View. ViewGroup. DispatchTransformedTouchEvent (ViewGroup. Java: 3073)
An android. View. ViewGroup. DispatchTouchEvent (ViewGroup. Java: 2766)
An android. View. ViewGroup. DispatchTransformedTouchEvent (ViewGroup. Java: 3073)
An android. View. ViewGroup. DispatchTouchEvent (ViewGroup. Java: 2766)
An android. View. ViewGroup. DispatchTransformedTouchEvent (ViewGroup. Java: 3073)
An android. View. ViewGroup. DispatchTouchEvent (ViewGroup. Java: 2766)
At com. Android. Internal. Policy. DecorView. SuperDispatchTouchEvent (DecorView. Java: 613)
At com. Android. Internal. Policy. PhoneWindow. SuperDispatchTouchEvent (PhoneWindow. Java: 1933)
. An android app. Activity. DispatchTouchEvent (4127) Activity. Java:
An android. Support. V7. View. WindowCallbackWrapper. DispatchTouchEvent (WindowCallbackWrapper. Java: 69)
At com. Android. Internal. Policy. DecorView. DispatchTouchEvent (DecorView. Java: 559)
An android. View. The view. DispatchPointerEvent (the Java: 13763)
An android. View. ViewRootImpl $ViewPostImeInputStage. ProcessPointerEvent (ViewRootImpl. Java: 5819)
An android. View. ViewRootImpl $ViewPostImeInputStage. OnProcess (ViewRootImpl. Java: 5614)
An android. View. ViewRootImpl $InputStage. Deliver (ViewRootImpl. Java: 5058)
An android. View. ViewRootImpl $InputStage. OnDeliverToNext (ViewRootImpl. Java: 5111)
An android. View. ViewRootImpl $InputStage. Forward (ViewRootImpl. Java: 5077)
An android. View. ViewRootImpl $AsyncInputStage. Forward (ViewRootImpl. Java: 5234)
An android. View. ViewRootImpl $InputStage. Apply (ViewRootImpl. Java: 5085)
An android. View. ViewRootImpl $AsyncInputStage. Apply (ViewRootImpl. Java: 5291)
An android. View. ViewRootImpl $InputStage. Deliver (ViewRootImpl. Java: 5058)
An android. View. ViewRootImpl $InputStage. OnDeliverToNext (ViewRootImpl. Java: 5111)
An android. View. ViewRootImpl $InputStage. Forward (ViewRootImpl. Java: 5077)
An android. View. ViewRootImpl $InputStage. Apply (ViewRootImpl. Java: 5085)
An android. View. ViewRootImpl $InputStage. Deliver (ViewRootImpl. Java: 5058)
An android. View. ViewRootImpl. DeliverInputEvent (ViewRootImpl. Java: 7949)
An android. View. ViewRootImpl. DoProcessInputEvents (ViewRootImpl. Java: 7900)
An android. View. ViewRootImpl. EnqueueInputEvent (ViewRootImpl. Java: 7854)
An android. View. ViewRootImpl $WindowInputEventReceiver. OnInputEvent (ViewRootImpl. Java: 8139)
An android. View. InputEventReceiver. DispatchInputEvent (InputEventReceiver. Java: 233)
An android. OS. MessageQueue. NativePollOnce (Native Method)
An android. OS. MessageQueue. Next (MessageQueue. Java: 363)
. An android OS. Stars. Loop (173). Which Java:
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