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Cause AndroidStudio: invalid constant type: 18


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Cause: invalid constant type: 18

Java. Lang. RuntimeException: Java. IO. IOException: invalid constant type: 18
At the javassist. CtClassType. GetClassFile2 (CtClassType. Java: 204)
At the javassist. CtClassType. MakeFieldCache (CtClassType. Java: 835)
At the javassist. CtClassType. GetMembers (CtClassType. Java: 826)
At the javassist. CtClassType. GetDeclaredMethod (CtClassType. Java: 1188)
At sun. Reflect. NativeMethodAccessorImpl. Invoke0 (Native Method)
At sun. Reflect. NativeMethodAccessorImpl. Invoke (NativeMethodAccessorImpl. Java: 62)
At sun. Reflect. DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl. Invoke (43) DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl. Java:
The at Java. Lang. Reflect. Method. Invoke (498) Method. The Java:
The at org. Codehaus. Groovy. Runtime. Callsite. PlainObjectMetaMethodSite. DoInvoke (43) PlainObjectMetaMethodSite. Java:
The at org. Codehaus. Groovy. Runtime. Callsite. PojoMetaMethodSite $PojoCachedMethodSiteNoUnwrapNoCoerce. Invoke (PojoMetaMethodSite. Java: 213)
The at org. Codehaus. Groovy. Runtime. Callsite. PojoMetaMethodSite. Call (55) PojoMetaMethodSite. Java:
The at org. Codehaus. Groovy. Runtime. Callsite. CallSiteArray. DefaultCall (CallSiteArray. Java: 47)
At org. Codehaus. Groovy. Runtime. Callsite. AbstractCallSite. Call (115) AbstractCallSite. Java:
At org. Codehaus. Groovy. Runtime. Callsite. AbstractCallSite. Call (127) AbstractCallSite. Java:
At com. Baidu. Mobstat. ClassInjector $_inject_closure1. DoCall (ClassInjector. Groovy: 78)
At sun. Reflect. GeneratedMethodAccessor28. Invoke (Unknown Source)
At sun. Reflect. DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl. Invoke (43) DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl. Java:
The at Java. Lang. Reflect. Method. Invoke (498) Method. The Java:
The at org. Codehaus. Groovy. Reflection. CachedMethod. Invoke (CachedMethod. Java: 104)
At the groovy. Lang. MetaMethod. DoMethodInvoke (MetaMethod. Java: 326)
The at org. Codehaus. Groovy. Runtime. Metaclass. ClosureMetaClass. InvokeMethod (ClosureMetaClass. Java: 264)
At the groovy. Lang. MetaClassImpl. InvokeMethod (MetaClassImpl. Java: 1041)
At the groovy. Lang. Closure. Call (411) Closure. Java:
At the groovy. Lang. Closure. Call (427) Closure. Java:
The at org. Codehaus. Groovy. Runtime. ResourceGroovyMethods. EachFileRecurse (ResourceGroovyMethods. Java: 1283)
The at org. Codehaus. Groovy. Runtime. ResourceGroovyMethods. EachFileRecurse (ResourceGroovyMethods. Java: 1281)
The at org. Codehaus. Groovy. Runtime. ResourceGroovyMethods. EachFileRecurse (ResourceGroovyMethods. Java: 1281)
The at org. Codehaus. Groovy. Runtime. ResourceGroovyMethods. EachFileRecurse (ResourceGroovyMethods. Java: 1281)
The at org. Codehaus. Groovy. Runtime. ResourceGroovyMethods. EachFileRecurse (ResourceGroovyMethods. Java: 1281)
The at org. Codehaus. Groovy. Runtime. ResourceGroovyMethods. EachFileRecurse (ResourceGroovyMethods. Java: 1281)
The at org. Codehaus. Groovy. Runtime. ResourceGroovyMethods. EachFileRecurse (ResourceGroovyMethods. Java: 1518)
At org. Codehaus. Groovy. Runtime. Internet at $991. The invoke (Unknown Source)
The at org. Codehaus. Groovy. Runtime. Callsite. PojoMetaMethodSite $PojoMetaMethodSiteNoUnwrapNoCoerce. Invoke (PojoMetaMethodSite. Java: 246)
The at org. Codehaus. Groovy. Runtime. Callsite. PojoMetaMethodSite. Call (55) PojoMetaMethodSite. Java:
The at org. Codehaus. Groovy. Runtime. Callsite. CallSiteArray. DefaultCall (CallSiteArray. Java: 47)
At org. Codehaus. Groovy. Runtime. Callsite. AbstractCallSite. Call (115) AbstractCallSite. Java:
At org. Codehaus. Groovy. Runtime. Callsite. AbstractCallSite. Call (127) AbstractCallSite. Java:
At com. Baidu. Mobstat. ClassInjector. Inject (ClassInjector. Groovy: 40)
At com. Baidu. Mobstat. ClassInjector $inject. Call (Unknown Source)
The at org. Codehaus. Groovy. Runtime. Callsite. CallSiteArray. DefaultCall (CallSiteArray. Java: 47)
At org. Codehaus. Groovy. Runtime. Callsite. AbstractCallSite. Call (115) AbstractCallSite. Java:
At com. Baidu. Mobstat. PathTransform $$_closure6 _transform_closure3. DoCall (PathTransform. Groovy: 196)
At sun. Reflect. NativeMethodAccessorImpl. Invoke0 (Native Method)
At sun. Reflect. NativeMethodAccessorImpl. Invoke (NativeMethodAccessorImpl. Java: 62)
At sun. Reflect. DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl. Invoke (43) DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl. Java:
The at Java. Lang. Reflect. Method. Invoke (498) Method. The Java:
The at org. Codehaus. Groovy. Reflection. CachedMethod. Invoke (CachedMethod. Java: 104)
At the groovy. Lang. MetaMethod. DoMethodInvoke (MetaMethod. Java: 326)
The at org. Codehaus. Groovy. Runtime. Metaclass. ClosureMetaClass. InvokeMethod (ClosureMetaClass. Java: 264)
At the groovy. Lang. MetaClassImpl. InvokeMethod (MetaClassImpl. Java: 1041)
At the groovy. Lang. Closure. Call (411) Closure. Java:
At the groovy. Lang. Closure. Call (427) Closure. Java:
At org. Codehaus. Groovy. Runtime. DefaultGroovyMethods. Each (2296) DefaultGroovyMethods. Java:
At org. Codehaus. Groovy. Runtime. DefaultGroovyMethods. Each (2281) DefaultGroovyMethods. Java:
At org. Codehaus. Groovy. Runtime. DefaultGroovyMethods. Each (2322) DefaultGroovyMethods. Java:
At org. Codehaus. Groovy. Runtime. Internet at $186. The invoke (Unknown Source)
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